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  1. sputniknz

    Donald Trump for President 2012

    Do you have any family members who are struggling to make a dollar, struggling to pay their medical bills.... would you pay to help them out??? And FYI, in New Zealand, where i live we have been "sharing the wealth" for the benefit of our nation and the community as a whole for decades...
  2. sputniknz

    HELP! 2 1000w in 10x10 tent Enough Light??!??

    light movers? ... i read they are great for that.
  3. sputniknz

    Dry Ice = Co2 = YES? or NO?

    Space is 1.7m wide, 750mm deep, 1.6m high and ventilation is poor, circulation inside is good (high temps too), and no i dont have/cant afford a Co2 meter.
  4. sputniknz

    Dry Ice = Co2 = YES? or NO?

    Ok... can you explain "dilated releaser" pls. And by "mine" does that mean you are doing this?
  5. sputniknz

    Is it possible to leave my plants unattended for a week?

    Hydro, Soil, Timers.. you need to give more info.
  6. sputniknz

    Dry Ice = Co2 = YES? or NO?

    I wonder how much of it i would need for a tester?
  7. sputniknz

    Dry Ice = Co2 = YES? or NO?

    I have access to dry ice in small amounts. So i ask- The "smoke" that you see coming of dry ice is Co2 gas right? If so, could i direct that smoke to my grow room to up the Co2 levels? Has anyone tried it, i searched RIU but found nothing :(
  8. sputniknz

    Roll/Bowl/Vape/Pipe - Whats your preference?

    Anybody here mix with tobacco???
  9. sputniknz

    How did you feel about O'Rielly vs Obama Superbowl interview?

    JUST WATCHED IT..... BILL OREILY IS A MONGREL C**T. And every time i listen to Obama speak i respect him even more. Go OBAMA! Watch it here ----->>>
  10. sputniknz

    How did you feel about O'Rielly vs Obama Superbowl interview?

    I WANNA SEE IT, WHERE IS IT, arrrgghhhhhh i have waited for this day toooo loooooong!.... I hope Obama shits on his mother and punches him in the nuts, pffft Oreily = 1st Class Wanker
  11. sputniknz

    Roll/Bowl/Vape/Pipe - Whats your preference?

    Im curious, how do you do it? Im a roller, always have been always will.
  12. sputniknz

    First indoor grow looking for a little help!!!!!

    Are you planning on flowering them in there??? Wont they get too big?
  13. sputniknz

    I Finally Got Off My Ass...

    my ass is way better. bam!
  14. sputniknz

    RUBBERMAID 45 gal Blackberry

    its the tap root?.... the plant knows which way is up and which is down, give it a chance and dont fuss, i fussed and killed one of mine. Better to leave em alone.
  15. sputniknz

    Donald Trump for President 2012

    Stick with obama. He's got the right idea. Voting him in was the best the America has done in a long time. What is it with you guys wanting to change your president every 5 minutes. I mean i can understand wanting bush out, obviously, but obama has a whole heap of shit to clean up after Bush...
  16. sputniknz

    How are my little ones...?

    can anyone tell me what those little blue balls are in the soil, they look like slow release fertiliser pellets, when i squeeze them they pop and a bit of water comes out.
  17. sputniknz

    How are my little ones...?

    Here is todays pics, wasn't very sunny outside so they didnt go in the window. So they get another full day under the hps. #2 showed some more leaf today, starting to smell a bit too. #1 didn't get much more in height but on closer inspection there is a whole bunch of new growth preparing to...
  18. sputniknz

    Death To Mubarak!

    Everything you said is bang on.
  19. sputniknz

    Just looking for tips.

    Your plant sounds like it is stretching. You either need more light, or to move lights you have closer, or check the spectrum of the lights you are using and relate to the chart posted above.
  20. sputniknz

    My Girl's new home (pics)

    can you get those lights any closer? any new pics?