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  1. Lil Czr

    Help!! Leaves getting worse

    I really think it's just leaf damage from any number of things. The plants look fine, if maybe slightly overfed. Keep on truckin'!
  2. Lil Czr

    Is there hope?

    They'll finish alright, they just won't win any beauty contests. Take it easy on the food and give them a few more weeks.
  3. Lil Czr

    Amazon TDS/EC meter price

    The ph meters need to be calibrated fairly often. Have you tried that to see it it fixes the problem?
  4. Lil Czr

    Amazon TDS/EC meter price
  5. Lil Czr

    Amazon TDS/EC meter price

    I believe I have the same meters. I agree that they are a great value and work very well. If anyone doesn't currently have PH/PPM(TDS) meters I can't recommend these enough.
  6. Lil Czr

    Could this be marijuana in my yard?

    I believe it to be a Buckeye or hickory seedling.
  7. Lil Czr

    New Drawings

    HA! I can relate.
  8. Lil Czr

    No amber trichomes but looks tasty as hell and over 8 weeks. Harvest?

    The bananas he is talking about are male pollen sacs that the plant is sending out in a last ditch effort to carry on it's genes to the next season. If you don't remove them or harvest your plants, you will have a seeded crop. A lot of times when plants are ripe, they will send out a few pollen...
  9. Lil Czr

    how much you think i will get ?

    Heck man, at this point it's up to the skill of the grower and the genetic code of the plant of course.
  10. Lil Czr

    No amber trichomes but looks tasty as hell and over 8 weeks. Harvest?

    I have to say that it looks almost ready to me. At this point it's all a matter of taste.
  11. Lil Czr

    Daily smoker of weed.

    I some at regular intervals everyday, but I smoke only a small amount each time. I guess I smoke a few grams a day.
  12. Lil Czr

    Just Got Raided After 24hr Of Posting On This Site!!! No Search Warrant

    I'd buy that but for the drilling the locks part, the cops usually knock unless it's a sting. But you never know these days I guess, you could be right.
  13. Lil Czr

    Just Got Raided After 24hr Of Posting On This Site!!! No Search Warrant

    I second that. You got ripped.
  14. Lil Czr

    Indica seed recommendations

    Those are excellent choices. I also found their Hindu Kush and Super Skunk to be very fine smoke on the indica side as well. Good luck with whatever you choose.
  15. Lil Czr

    Indian River County

    It's funny, but I never had a lot of luck scoring weed in FLA. I thought it would be flowing in a place like that. But it's like you said, mostly drunks and tourists.
  16. Lil Czr

    How much does Weed cost where you live?

    I guess I should have answered the question in my first post. Pushing 400 an O for decent mids.
  17. Lil Czr

    the american male's sports-obesession

    I've never been a sports fan myself and never fully understood their mass appeal. But hey, give 'em what they want, right?
  18. Lil Czr

    How much does Weed cost where you live?

    Too much, that's why I grow my own. I just couldn't afford the market price for decent weed anymore.
  19. Lil Czr

    Security of rollitup

    It's nice to have a nice civil adult conversation once in a while.
  20. Lil Czr

    seedling wont loose its shell

    I wouldn't mess with it yet. You'll likely do more harm than good. I'd wait a couple more days before I did anything rash.