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  1. Lil Czr

    More nutrient strength for more plants?

    No, it doesn't work like that. You'll ruin all your hard work.
  2. Lil Czr

    New Drawings

    That's beautiful work, you are very talented.
  3. Lil Czr

    hows my chronic look ????

    Looking great, you've done a marvelous job.
  4. Lil Czr

    Security of rollitup

    That's correct. The Fed's don't give a damn about what's legal in your state. It's illegal everywhere as far as they're concerned. It's time to be extra careful folks.
  5. Lil Czr

    Being Frugal!

    I reuse my cat and dog food bags as trash bags.
  6. Lil Czr

    Security of rollitup

    I think that what Ruiner was saying is that they don't consider hobby growers enough of a concern to crack down on them. Provided that they don't make waves give themselves a high profile. Just keep below their radar and you'll likely not get into any trouble.
  7. Lil Czr

    Security of rollitup

    That's true, but I like to err on the side of caution myself when it comes to posting photo's and whatnot. Like you said, just lay low and you'll be fine.
  8. Lil Czr

    Is this a seed or a swollen calyx?

    That's what Im saying, but that one there if you look closely the pistils appear to have retracted into the calyx. That's why I feel that there is at least a lone seed there in the top of that bud. I could be wrong though.
  9. Lil Czr

    Bud Dry/Wetness

    You might try vacuum sealing and freezing.
  10. Lil Czr

    Security of rollitup

    This is why I've never posed a picture on this or any other site. I knew they were coming sooner or later to regulate the web and all it's content.
  11. Lil Czr

    Security of rollitup

    Not yet, but the FCC just took control of the internet. Who knows how far they will go in the years to come. Sites like these will definately be blocked in certain areas if not shut down altogether. And as for all the info stored on the servers, well who knows.
  12. Lil Czr

    Quotes You Heard While Baked that Blew Your Mind

    Animals are our friends, but the won't lend us money.
  13. Lil Czr

    pine bud

    Sounds like you violated your golden rule first thing calling me a douche. I really don't see where I was anywhere nearly as rude as you with the name calling there. I never called anyone a name nor did I project any bad vibes toward anyone. And I completely fail to see how you are going to...
  14. Lil Czr

    FCC votes in favor of regulating the internet...

    That's what I'm smoking the weed for ;)
  15. Lil Czr

    pine bud

    Take it easy kid, I didn't mean anything by it. Seems like you have a bit of a chip on your shoulder though. Got a bit of internet courage today do we?
  16. Lil Czr

    FCC votes in favor of regulating the internet...

    Why, it's for the CHILDREN of course.
  17. Lil Czr

    How does this bud look?

    Why don't you fire it up and tell us about it?
  18. Lil Czr

    FCC votes in favor of regulating the internet...

    You guys who are for this can get mad and call me what you want. But this ruling and what comes after it are the beginning of the end for sites like this one.
  19. Lil Czr

    FCC votes in favor of regulating the internet...

    I figured that someone like you wold be against things like paid prioritization for one thing. I mean, it seems to give a hell of an edge to big business. I though a guy like you would be for the working man? This will squeeze him right out of business in a few years, sort of like what...
  20. Lil Czr

    FCC votes in favor of regulating the internet...

    This is going to be a problem. Net Neutrality is anything but.