Search results

  1. C

    Red Wine

    Mmmmm, I love red wine but don't trust myself with daily consumption... I'll enjoy a glass or two a month. I will say, though, I don't think I've tried anything that can be so good or so bad. There's nothing better than a good red wine (well, maybe a good cask-strength scotch...)
  2. C

    IQ tests... stoned

    Yeah, just wants $$$... Alot of people on myspace screw around with the first one. The nice thing is it doesn't take more than a few minutes either. I'd give the first one a go again... I'll look again later to see if there's another free one.
  3. C

    IQ tests... stoned

    That's fine with me. I edited the original message to point people to this one instead. FYI, I had no problem getting a score on the other site. I only had to give them an e-mail address and password. I guess I've become lackadaisical about this stuff but understand why people don't want to...
  4. C

    I'm eating people for dinner!!!

    I beg to differ, but it has to taste like CHICKEN!!! I mean, have you ever been burned really bad? I got hit by some hot metal on my arm once. It took about 3 years to get all of the metal out ( it was like a really bad zit ). It smelled like a piece of chicken roasting on the grill...
  5. C

    IQ tests... stoned

    Hahahaha. Yeah, It's kindof a black and white IQ test. Either you get it (IQ=150) or you don't (IQ=50). Just kidding... Try again. It was down for a few minutes and appears to be back up. Good luck! FYI, I think these tests are timed somehow. Anyone know what type of weighting is...
  6. C

    IQ tests... stoned

    Ok, don't :roll:
  7. C

    Favorite thing to grow (other than bud)

    Awesome stuff! Have you tried the Thai Sweet Basil? It's very tasty... one of the best I've had. I remember my grandma growing strawberries. How difficult are they to deal with? She lived in northern MN (about 30 minutes south of Canada) and never said much about them... she just kept...
  8. C

    IQ tests... stoned

    In the spirit of the typing test, I thought it would be cool to see how people score on the cheesy online IQ tests while stoned. So, if you are brave give it a go. Just for the fun of it, post if you are smoking an indica, sativa or mixed strain as well. WANTS E-mail / age but that's about it...
  9. C

    Favorite thing to grow (other than bud)

    So, for those gardeners out there, what are your favorite and least favorite things to grow. The only rule is it must be used primarily for food. Sorry, perrenial gardens are pretty but I'm interested in trying to grow something new this year. To start it off, my favorites: 1) Potatos 2)...
  10. C


    Potatos taking over? I guess I've never seen that, at least when compared to various squashes, melons and cuccumbers (sp...). Potatos are notorious for coming to the surface and getting sunburned, so oftentimes it doesn't matter how deep you plant them as the new potatos will develop where...
  11. C

    What do you do?

    First I wrote software... I got tired of sitting in front of a terminal for 40+ hours/week Then I designed printed circuit boards and programmable gate arrays... got tired of it, same as above. Then I designed radio transcievers and gps receivers on integrated circuits (aka computer chips)...
  12. C


    Fuck you! Fuck me (running, with a chainsaw) Fuck fucking, let me hit that now. Fuck Gavin McInnes, showing up in his fucking underwear on Carson Fucking Daily JUST NOW. Fuck Marissa Miller just showing up on Carson Fucking Daily before the fucker above. I mean, seriously, fuck her. Fuck Unions...
  13. C

    Typing test

    not to jack the thread, but has anyone taken one of those 20-question IQ tests while stoned?
  14. C

    Typing test

    68 wpm (two different tests) Words typed: 215 Mistakes: 17 Mistakes / mn: 5.3 I've gotten rusty since I stopped programming and went to driving a mouse ;)
  15. C

    Nastiest Thing Ever Happened During Sex

    I can't read any more! These are friggin hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. C

    South Park

    There are lots of good songs... you gotta love: - Chef's Salty Chocolate Balls - Here comes peter cotton tail (Hippitus Hopitus) - Cartman singing Styx because he has to finish it.
  17. C

    People per square foot?

    Yeah, I know I can see 550 feet without too much grief. It's gonna take some really good cover to hide the plants.
  18. C

    People per square foot?

    I'm not sure why I'm answering this, but Land mass, miles^2 = 3,537,438 People (Est) = 300,000,000 Land per person = 3,537,438 / 300,000,000 = 0.0118 miles^2 / person 0.0118 miles^2 / person @ 5280 feet / mile = 328,727 feet^2 / person 328,727 feet^2 / person @ 1 acre / 43560 feet^2 =...
  19. C

    South Park

    Thanks to wikipedia... Episode 2, Season 12 - Britney's New Look The singing of "Rectus Dominus" is heard several times in the episode. This song has also appeared in the episode, Damien. "Rectus Dominus" is dog Latin for "ass master"-in real Latin it means "righteous Lord"; "ass master"...
  20. C

    Forgive me father, for I have sinned...

    Nah, a little shit is good. Sorry, didn't mean to make you feel bad about it either :) I thought it was an excellent response... the comment about grandma's had me rolling!!! Although any thought of a little personal pleasure got flushed as I pictured this scene :mrgreen: Apparently nothing...