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  1. 7

    Best nutrients for autos?

    You won't be sorry.
  2. 7

    24/0 ok thru seed to harvest?

    His way is the only way bro don't waste your breath.
  3. 7

    Best nutrients for autos?

    Peters plant food is as simple as it gets.get there grow and their bloom food sold on Amazon and it's cheap.
  4. 7

    Deficiency help

    if it was me I'd flush then ph after at 1/4 strength of nutes.not sure why you added coco which holds water and perelite that doesn't. I ph soil at 6.5 but some one here that has more experience with coco can tell you if your ph is right for your mix.
  5. 7

    Need Guidance

    Absolutely ! Many things can go wrong in hydro and they have to be addressed quickly .soil is much more forgiving as far as y soil is much more forgiving as far as yield hydro could possibly beat soil if you know hydro. Quality wise soil can give you exceptional product.
  6. 7

    healthy plant?

    Looks good ,it's better to post pics under regular light if you did have a problem brewing it would be hard for us to see it with the lights on.
  7. 7

    Need Guidance

    I might suggest a dirt grow to start.It is a lot cheaper to start and comes with way less problems.even a humpy grow might be worth considering .
  8. 7

    Bedroom Grower! (noob project)

    Yea there gonna die if you don't transplant soon.if u don't want t-5 at leas get some cfl
  9. 7

    Plant is in middle of flowering?

    I'd say 6 weeks at least
  10. 7

    FFOF seems too hot, should I try another medium?

    Just get root organic original you won't have to even feed till week 4.or add peri lite it's included.
  11. 7

    24/0 ok thru seed to harvest?

    I've always run 24/0 on auto's.A friend and I did side by side of afghan kush Ryder he ran 20/4 myself 24/0 I averaged over 3/4 of an ounce more per plant.The smoke was identical ,we used exactly the same pots,dirt and nutrient feeding schedules.Needless to say he is a 24/0 convert.
  12. 7

    1st grow

    Roots organic to start.
  13. 7

    My story, input welcome

    I'd lower those t-5's to almost touching the tops.
  14. 7

    favorite energetic Sativa?

    Blue cheese! They have it in regular and auto from Buddha seeds available at herbie's.I grew the auto variety it is excellent but it wasn't a heavy yielder.i averaged 1 3/4 a plant.
  15. 7

    help! growing concerns

    Your soil looks wet did you just water?If you did let them dry out they will straighten out.I think most people who are new over water they also look like they need a little more nitrogen are you feeding yet?
  16. 7

    Red Poison and Think Different... my second grow. just a few pics and chat.

    Looking good bro.cant wait to see if the colas stay near the same height of each for you.keep us posted
  17. 7

    Additives for roots organic?

    Roots organic soil will feed them in a 5 gallon pot for about 4 weeks after that you'll need to feed them.i just finished a run of og kush and 1 cotton candy using nothing but peters plant food and their bloom's very cheap and available online at Amazon .get a small tub of each and see...
  18. 7

    what are the most yielding autoflowers on attitude seed bank??

    I've had one start growing balls but it was my fault really late on the harvest.some ppl will never grow autos and get a good plant they have to be treated differently during the grow to maximize their potential .
  19. 7

    week 6 flower and looking a bit sick, any advice??

    Looks like a cal/mag problem.I'd flush and and then water them with ph at 6.5 with Epsom salt.some one might have a better idea.what soil are you using? Did you add any dolomite lime to the soil?