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  1. 7

    Welp... Got some kind of outdoor pests or some kind of deficiency already..

    Get a scope and look under the leaves. Looks more like mites to me
  2. 7

    Hey guys newbie question here

    Ha I think their right, puppet!!
  3. 7

    How is it going Help

    Bury that plant to just before the first leaves. Get the light closer. What light are u using?
  4. 7


    How big is the pot?
  5. 7

    Help spider mites and tiny maggot looking things on leaves??

    Get some avid and floremite spray the whole room 3 days apart then kill the plants bleach the room and start over .save your self a year of frustration lol
  6. 7


    Might try some Buddha cheese.try Herbies seed bank or attitudes.both great seed banks.I'm currently growing some og kush from ilovegrowingmarijuana all the beans popped an I'm about 2 weeks from harvest right now.
  7. 7

    hello people of this forum i need help

    Nope if you can grow outside its all good.there looking very good just keep on doing what your doing.
  8. 7

    nitrogen deficiency??

    Did u transplant them in the miracle grow? Is that miracle grow organic or potting soil? Any idea what your ph is at? Not really enough infor to form an opinion.
  9. 7

    harvest in next few days?

    If that's a kush maybe 2 weeks
  10. 7

    Brown spots and yellowing on leaves

    Yes put it in a bigger pot
  11. 7

    Specks on leaves

    Looks like spider mites to me also
  12. 7

    Delicious seeds Cheese candy Auto

    Nope I'd get a jewlers loupe and check tri's.theres no food left in the leaves bro.
  13. 7

    Autoflower seeds, what did you produce?

    I can't grow outdoors where I'm located.
  14. 7

    Light Help!

    So far I haven't noticed anything like that but it could be a particular strain issues.
  15. 7

    Light Help!

    I've never seen any stress running 24/0.what stress have you seen?
  16. 7

    Autoflower seeds, what did you produce?

    The big Buddha blue cheese is top of the line.I've done a couple of runs of it,it doesn't have a big yield about 2-21/2 zips a plant. A little harder auto to grow as it seems some plants in the same run will need a lot of nutes and some very little.I grew them under 24/0 the whole run using...
  17. 7

    Possible Ph or Nute Lockout??

    You could also use epson salts lot cheaper and it seems to work fast for me.
  18. 7

    Smart Pots or Air Pots

    I've been growing in fabric pots non stop for 3 years never had root rot.That being said I have noticed on longer sativa grows some salt build up on the outside of my pots,I am always open to change you guys got me thinking now.
  19. 7

    Germination with saran wrap

    No you didn't I got to call you on that way you pulled 2 2/3 pounds off two auto mazar's
  20. 7

    help looking for a good strain

    I think I would try an afghan kush