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  1. dimebag87

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Nice looking buds brother!
  2. dimebag87

    too much light????

    True, but fuck the electricity bill unless your loaded.
  3. dimebag87

    Questions about ventilation

    I would just keep your outake on 24/7 then put your other fan on a timer to switch off when lights go out. That's what I do anyway.
  4. dimebag87

    too much light????

    Bit excessive really. You could use two 1000's and still come away a lot of bud.
  5. dimebag87

    The UK Growers Thread!

    It was my own fault. I left them out on the carpet when I was changing my res. School boy error!
  6. dimebag87

    The UK Growers Thread!

    The dog ate my first plants the little tyke!! Anger wouldn't of summed it up!
  7. dimebag87

    The UK Growers Thread!

    How would growing not be fun! :)
  8. dimebag87

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Not bothered either way mate. I thought to myself earlier that she's probably a 45 year old bloke called bill. You can be anyone you like on the internet.
  9. dimebag87

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Fuck the law mate. Unless you tell people, how will they find out. Plus technically speaking it's one plant just with a shitload on :D
  10. dimebag87

    distance from bulb ?

    Something like this would be a good mixture of the two.
  11. dimebag87

    The UK Growers Thread!

    You could be quite easily pulling more than 8 of a 600 dude.
  12. dimebag87

    The UK Growers Thread!

    True but the first time I did it I snapped off bud so I wont be doing it again! haha.
  13. dimebag87

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Supercropping is another good one but it to be frank it scares the shit out of me.
  14. dimebag87

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Defo. Don't want them in your lights mate.
  15. dimebag87

    The UK Growers Thread!

    You might want to lower the veg time down to about four weeks if you've only got 6ft of height. You would probably want to flip them once they get to about 2 ft high.
  16. dimebag87

    The UK Growers Thread!

    If you were wanting to veg for that long you could just do a one or two plant scrog and pull the same as six.
  17. dimebag87

    distance from bulb ?

    Would It not be possible to keep a cool tube on it with some modification? Or you could do a vertical scrog.
  18. dimebag87

    distance from bulb ?

    Yeh I see what you mean. Somebody else could probably give you a better answer then.
  19. dimebag87

    distance from bulb ?

    I haven't any experience with vertical growing but either way if i can get a 400 10 inches or less from my plants then I don't see why 3 ft with a 600 shouldn't be ample with the fan in place.
  20. dimebag87

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Cfl's don't need a ballast mate. At the end of the day why would you want to swap down from a 600? 600 means more bud. Also I have grown out a little lowryder no 2. Nice little plant it was but I only pulled about a q of it.