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  1. dimebag87

    Sativa Dom Trichromes.

    That's basically the idea.
  2. dimebag87

    does this sound like a good nute package?????? need input

    This is what I mean. You should just stick with a veg nutrient. You could even use it all the way through. You won't need cal mag unless your water is soft and low on those elements and I wouldn't bother with loads of additives. If they are healthy on just basic nutrients then they don't need...
  3. dimebag87

    does this sound like a good nute package?????? need input

    Do you need the cal mag and the other bits. Try just feeding them a basic veg feed and see if that changes anything?
  4. dimebag87

    ideal temp when lights off

    Depends on your lights on temp. E.g if it's running at at 25 degrees C lights on then don't let it drop down past 19 to 20 lights off.
  5. dimebag87

    Purple new growth on seedlings.

    Anymore opinions folks? Sorry to pester.
  6. dimebag87

    Delvites video journal

    How do you keep your canopy so even and low man? It looks like you've got a scrog net in there but I don't see one :)
  7. dimebag87

    Sativa Dom Trichromes.

    I think it's safe to say you are meant to let some amber trichs in the mix. Sativas are a uppy/heady anyway so pulling early want be beneficial for anything I would of thought. Plus all the taste will come once its full y ripe.
  8. dimebag87

    Purple new growth on seedlings.

    I think It might be the canna nutes I gave them. Even though it's seedling feed I don't think they need it yet so I'm just giving them water for now.
  9. dimebag87

    Purple new growth on seedlings.

    Cheers dude! They're still producing purple though :/ But they are still growing fast as well. Each time I lift the rockwool cubes there is more roots bursting out and more leaf growth. That's a good sign isn't is? I have a 6 inch fan blowing during lights off. Could that be doing it? My temps...
  10. dimebag87

    Buds not finishing..need some advice

    I did a strain from greenhouse and it had white until the end. Although I should of let it go longer really so I would leave it another week.
  11. dimebag87

    ec reading

    So have you changed from soil to hydro with them? Either way if they're only a week or two old keep the dosage to the minimum. 0.8 to 1.0 EC would be suffice for a plant that age. Remember to take half of your background EC in to account as well mate and add that to the total :)
  12. dimebag87

    Hard water

    530 is way too high imo. Could be wrong though.
  13. dimebag87

    ec reading

    Also how old are your plants?
  14. dimebag87

    ec reading

    I use dutch pro. How many ml of nutes did you add to how much water?
  15. dimebag87

    Purple new growth on seedlings.

    Have you grown delahaze yourself?
  16. dimebag87

    Purple new growth on seedlings.

    Thanks mate. So as long as I keep my temps in check they should bounce back from this?
  17. dimebag87

    Purple new growth on seedlings.

    Hi. A couple of my 5 day old delahaze seedlings are exhibiting a purplish new growth. I thought it could be temp related but my temps drop no more than 5 degrees from 25 to 20. Overall they seem healthy and there is no burning or stunting. I gave them some canna start yesterday which is a...
  18. dimebag87

    Scrog screen before or after flower?

    Hi. I was wondering with my four plants under my 400 watt hps, at what point do I add my screen? Do I top/fim, veg, flip lights then add the screen for them to fill in flower or do I veg into the screen then flower? The strain grows big plants and is 70% sativa so I am expecting some stretch so...