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  1. H

    Top Sider Grow Box Concept

    This seems like a very good idea. Couple thoughts that come to mind. First thing is Longevity MDF is nice and cheap but it wont last long ( will get soggy and weak over time, not to mention the massive amounts of moisture that comes with growing plants of any kind). If mdf is your chosen...
  2. H

    Am I doing something wrong?

    Its more common for the seed to not crack during germ then have it not sprout once planted, But it can happen. This is why you most people will recommend you germ more then you plan on finishing with. As for depth of planting the seed i usually just poke a small hole with my finger tip and then...
  3. H

    I Started a Trend

    30-50$ a GRAM? crazy lol its 50$/ 1/4 ounce in SW ontario. My self i buy in much larger amount though usally Half lbs - Lbs depending on price. But on avg a half pound here is 1100 and your saying thats what ppl pay of an oz? mannnnnn i need to start exporting lol
  4. H

    Grow Box

    Well Week 4 is here. Things seem to be on the up n up with the transplant Hopefully they enjoy the new pots.
  5. H

    Grow Box

    I will be keeping mothers i allowed room for 2..but i will only be keeping 1 white widow mother, My other is going to be kali mist (witch i have some seeds left over from my outdoor grow) or possibly something new. *Update* I transplanted all the plants none of the roots were damaged but they...
  6. H

    Grow Box

    Was the plan for sure! Yea i have a 2 1/2 foot ceiling in both of my rooms i was aiming for about 7"-9" before i flipped to flower.. I was going to start topping at 5" but there all well under 4" atm Should i start topping now, 3 of the 5 seem to be really compact already so i might only be...
  7. H


    In theory they should never depreciate of change. The better the plant is looked after the stronger and more it will thrive witch will keep the clones strong. If neglect your mother plant then its not going to produce the same clones, they will be feeble like the mother at this point.
  8. H

    Grow Box

    Yes all Feminized Vision White Widow. As for worry of becoming root bound those are just my Veg pots..when they hit flower they will be moved into the MUCH larger pots i have for my plants in the flower stage. ( the black ones in the picture if you can see the hight and size) As for the journal...
  9. H

    Grow Box

    Thank you. I plan on taking a set of pictures each week. But i was thinking of moving it to a the journals section.
  10. H

    Just picked up this 300w CFL ....

    what i use in my growbox...workin wonders
  11. H

    24 hour darkness? is it worth it?

    A plant going hermi is ALWAYS an issue it can happen at any point during growing. The later in the flowering stage the less time the seeds / sac's will have to grow, but they are still there. Also placing the plant in the dark after they have lived there entire lives on a schedule will have a...
  12. H

    New BADASS CFL Grow Lights

    Those are decent size bulbs. They do sell Higher wattage for like 20$ at lowes though.
  13. H

    Grow Box

    Thank you both.Well week 2 is done onto week 3. Started the DNF Gro A & B with the first water. Here is where i am at now.I am a little worried about this little fella he just seems to be struggling kinda limp leaves. any ideas?
  14. H

    Grow Box

    After the first week this is what were working with. 3 of the 5 are the same size the other two are behind a bit.
  15. H

    whats up guys need a little help

    No the plant is not alight the leaves are wilting and faning downwards this is telling you something. The good old google machine told me it most likely a nitrogen problem.
  16. H

    Stealth Cab - ODOR CONTROL - Help

    TBH you can build that zen carbon filter for 30$ i dont think there is a better cheaper way to go!
  17. H

    Mixed water - question

    Yea i wasnt even talking about water i have ran though the plant i meant what was just left in my bucket that haddent been used..But if i can save and re use water that has been though the growing medium once then im sure storing un-used water should be fine! thnx for the input!
  18. H

    Mixed water - question

    How long would a batch of nutrient enriched water last. Example i mixed up 10L or water and the Required A + B nutrient Then only used 8L feeding the plants. Could i save the 2L of water or is it best to just pour it out?
  19. H

    Grow Box

    The 4 larger bulbs on the flower side are 100 watt that emulate 300w and the larger bulbs on the veg side are 42 watt that emulate 150w.
  20. H

    Grow Box

    Finished the stain on the cab, Not sure if i wanna gloss it or not. I also got my seeds in the mail today so im gonna let the box run for a couple days then germinate!! Cab: Seeds: