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  1. woodsmaneh!

    Canadian Medical Marijuana Patients & Growers

    lots of Van people here just look around.
  2. woodsmaneh!

    wat final size pots r people using ?

    You should be fine. Generally you go 1 gal per month of growth.
  3. woodsmaneh!

    a question i have to ask

    You can rub yourself but don't rub your plant. Can create a spot for pathogens to enter the plant and could stress it.
  4. woodsmaneh!

    Canadian Medical Marijuana Patients & Growers

    Good day Eh just around the corner from you near Ottawa.
  5. woodsmaneh!

    My last day at work

    He was Chinese and just a short dude.
  6. woodsmaneh!

    Missing my buddy StonedPoney

    Well riding weather is almost gone and was thinking about that old fart StonedPoney today. He's never far away sure do miss him and his crazy vids Peace brother FTW 1% :-(
  7. woodsmaneh!

    My last day at work

    So one day my boos comes over to me and say's the pres has a sleeping problem and is not eating, do you think smoking some pot would help him? So I says sure. Make a short story shorter, don't do it. So the big cheese flys in from China and when he gets here the first thing he says is how do we...
  8. woodsmaneh!

    What is my PH?!?! Different results. Ebb and flow

    a couple years ago I purchased 2 Hanna Ph meters. 68$ each. I spent 2 days trying to get them to read the same after being calibrated. I called Hanna and got the run around, I got so pissed I called them and said I was a prof at the university and needed to speak to one of there engineers. The...
  9. woodsmaneh!

    Any hempy bucket pros out there?? Need some advice with ph!! Greatly appreciated!!

    I would not try using ph 4 on them anymore, can damage them. You only have a few choices but something in the pots is doing this. What are you using to ph. As a long time grower I have learned not to chase Ph as you do more damage than good. So what I do is pick a range for the style of...
  10. woodsmaneh!

    diy water chiller question/ideas need help will rep++

    the ideal temp for RDWC is 61 to 64 as water holds the most dissolved oxygen at this temp. It also makes it hard for pathogens to develop. you will not believe how well they grow at that temp. Check out may grow at bottom. If your short on money buy a 3 to 5 days cooler and cool it with frozen...
  11. woodsmaneh!

    Titty's,one of god's miracles !

    yup I love boobies, set them puppies free :hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump:
  12. woodsmaneh!

    Water reservoir maintenance for an organics guy....

    is your res covered good and no light penatration? If it's just h2o that's strange as the contaminants are getting in there some way.
  13. woodsmaneh!

    An amazing little plant called neem! How do you make neem oil?

    You can make your own neem, just jump on the first plain to India. Other than a science project making neem is just not worth it. cold press neem is 5$ you should do some in-depth reading on neem here is a start There is some really good information here on what you can do with neem and how...
  14. woodsmaneh!

    HELP!! Wilting plant

    IMHO low humidity
  15. woodsmaneh!

    3rd run in the Undercurrent, not bad at all

    I am running Dutch Master with some Cal mag that's all I use. RO water at 11ppm and Ph7.0 week 1 flower 700 ppm and I work my way up to about 900ppm by week 8 and keep it there till finished I don't chase Ph I keep it between 5.4 and 6.2 before I take any action. I have been top loading the...
  16. woodsmaneh!

    3rd run in the Undercurrent, not bad at all

    My room temps are 70 lights off ad 80 lights on Water temp is 63/64 all the time. I run a 1/2 hp chiller The pipes are 3 inch so no buildup to worry about. Yes I did say no res changes in 9 weeks just top load right to the res.
  17. woodsmaneh!

    Plant Leaf wither problems with pics

    I would hang the floro tube vertical not horizontal u will get more light on the plant.
  18. woodsmaneh!

    3rd run in the Undercurrent, not bad at all

    well started my 3rd grow in the uc 8 weeks ago. Been a bit of a ride, first thing I did was let humidity get down to about 20% and after 8 days I clued in because the plants were dieing same mistake I made first grow. Just not use to a closed room. Well they bounced back and at week 4 came...
  19. woodsmaneh!

    Round 2: Extrema & El Monstre DWC Cooler Scrog

    Safe journeys my friend see you on the flip side.