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  1. woodsmaneh!

    Using Hydrogen Peroxide, to kill algae and bacteria, and prevent root rot

    Some light reading DISEASE MANAGEMENT IN CROPS PRODUCED IN RECIRCULATING HYDROPONIC SYSTEMS John C. Sutton, Department of Environmental Biology, and Bernard Grodzinski, Horticultural Science Division, Department of Plant Agriculture, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1...
  2. woodsmaneh!

    Flowering with UnderCurrentDWC

    TexasKid has some great grows over on THC Farm. Here is my last crop.
  3. woodsmaneh!

    Flowering with UnderCurrentDWC

    Light mover Hummmm, I used them for a year but all they did was make smaller plants. In my experience you spread the light over a larger area but for a shorter time. For example a 1000w over 20 plants on a 4x4 = 1 pound, add a light mover and 20 more plants, so light mover over 4x8 with 40...
  4. woodsmaneh!

    Sannies Jackberry F3

    I grew some out about 3 months ago. It was a nice day time high. Nice tight nugs and great smell. It went 9 weeks. I have 12 different strains from Sannies. Just about to take down some Her/Big Bud and KO Kush. I was luckey to get some Uber Kush and it's a keeper.
  5. woodsmaneh!

    RO System

    The first thing I did was buy a good tri meter so I knew what was going on with my water. My PPM from my well was 390ppm, so if my mix called for 500ppm to start with I already have 390 of something in there and that leaves me with 110ppm to play with. So got an RO system and never looked back...
  6. woodsmaneh!

    Need Help Fast With The Brown Roots

    If your not running bennies get some Zone from Dutch Master, this will do 2 things 1 Kill anything that might be in there. 2 Prevent anything from starting. The biggest factor in any root problem is STRESS, yes stress, if your plants are stressed they are more likely to have root problems...
  7. woodsmaneh!


    sounds like time to find another doctor, is there a university hospital near you, they tend to have more open minded doctors who will listen. I suggest you keep a log book and be faithful to it, note the time and duration, location of pain ect. Next time you see the Dr show him. Another good...
  8. woodsmaneh!

    Thank you for the great memories you awoke in me. Back in the 70`s my room mate played Jethro...

    Thank you for the great memories you awoke in me. Back in the 70`s my room mate played Jethro Tull all the time him on the flute. Most of the time he did it to impress the ladies and it worked. Peace and positive vibes your way. I love the way you dress, very elegant and lovely.
  9. woodsmaneh!

    Drug Dogs

    When I was working in the Arctic they brought a drug sniffing dog into the camp, they busted the Cook and 2 ladies. I was so pissed when I came back after 2 weeks off I brought an oz of shake and put it in a spice bottle and sprinkled it in the security office and the whole camp`s living...
  10. woodsmaneh!

    Anonymous Takes On A Cartel

    Here is the latest vid from them Here are the safety instructions they posted We will go forward with the operation, as we have been requested. To this end, we will form a special task force dedicated to this issue. However, we...
  11. woodsmaneh!

    Anonymous Takes On A Cartel

    Nope not yet UPDATE: this story is so fluid. They have now recinded the cancellation. Stated reason was because of the flood of support from Mexico, they have outlines safety instructions and created a widget to send information about cartels and cartel involvement. Also a group to...
  12. woodsmaneh!

    Jorge Bible Follower vs. The General Concensus

    Jorge is a C sucker, he sold the rights to his book than a month later released his new book, fucked some good people over, but him and his whole crowd, Milia and the great bubble bag rip off,are all about money they don't give a fuck about anything else, They give the whole business a bad name...
  13. woodsmaneh!

    Made some brownies and they SUCKED!!!

    I would say your first try was what most people get, we all start somewhere. The key to making a brownie mix is heating the pot on very low heat for 15 to 20 min. if you smell it strong your cooking it off. Heat is too high!! Low heat. Use a gold coffee filter to strain the stuff than make the...
  14. woodsmaneh!

    CANADA To Ban All Personal Growing By 2012 WTF

    It is legal to grow and have but not smoke.
  15. woodsmaneh!

    Flowering with UnderCurrentDWC

    Ya I agree on the Mexican drug issues way out of control, I watched Larado on TV a few times, they need to build a wall like in China. or just make it legal for personal. I won't start on my room till next week, left all my tools at a job site. I need my jigsaw and a few other power tools so...
  16. woodsmaneh!

    Flowering with UnderCurrentDWC

    Nice and clean, well done bro. You could drop your H2o temp to 62/63 to get a little more DO for the roots and less hospital to root rot. I even drop it to 59 in the last 10 days and that helps produce more colour in the plants. One of my plants turns bright purple, way cool.
  17. woodsmaneh!

    The biggest RDWC system you ever saw

    well I took it all down and am moving it to a bigger room.
  18. woodsmaneh!

    What is meant by F1 hybrid?

    What is an F1 & F2 marijuana cannabis hybrid? What really is an F1 cross? Well defining the terms P1, F1, F2, homozygous, and heterogygous can be a simple task, however, applying them to applied genetics can often create confusion. Depending on your point of reference...
  19. woodsmaneh!

    What is meant by F1 hybrid?

    The main advantage of F1 hybrids in agriculture is also their drawback. When F1 cultivars are used for the breeding of a new generation, their offspring (F2 generation) will vary greatly from one another. Some of the F2 generation will be high in homozygous genes, as found in the weaker...
  20. woodsmaneh!

    What is meant by F1 hybrid?

    Boy lots of bad info here on F1, here is what you need to know, F1 and F2 are unstable and can show different Pheno's F3 are stable. What is an F1, F2, and IBL? An IBL (inbred line) is a genetically homogeneous strain that grows uniformly from seed. A hybrid is a strain made up of two...