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  1. woodsmaneh!

    Canadian Medical Marijuana Patients & Growers

    Your a Fucking Fool. If it was not for the military you would not be free. Dumb ass. I hope someone kicks your ass real soon. I wish I could get my hands on you you little Fuck.
  2. woodsmaneh!

    MH Lighting for seedlings

    Dura72 has the right info.^^^^^^
  3. woodsmaneh!

    What is the standard "payment" for trimming help?

    When I started doing outdoor my first chop I had 65 plants all over 7 foot. 6 weeks later there were still 30 hanging. Decided never again so got me a trimpro worked OK but looked like it was trimmed by a machein. Found 2 ladies from the reservation to trim for me, 20$ hr and an OZ a day, food...
  4. woodsmaneh!

    Canadian Medical Marijuana Patients & Growers

    Every now and then someone brings it up, but things don't change around here much. I would not hold my breath, you could pm a super mod like Potroast and ask or start a thread to get it done.
  5. woodsmaneh!

    Canadian Medical Marijuana Patients & Growers

    I have found a few ignorant people on here but never thought of them as Canadian Haters. You will find asses everywhere you go, here too.
  6. woodsmaneh!

    Organic experts, how do I learn what you know?

    If it was soil it would say so on the bag, your not reading I am not talking about Fox Farm where the fuck did that come from?? I am not going to repeat what I have stated. SHOW ME ON THE LABEL WHERE IT SAYS SOIL ON A BAG OF SUNSHINE OR PROMIX or shut up. I never said promix of sunshine had...
  7. woodsmaneh!

    Is this PH damage?

    If they have patches of white like paper that's too close to the light. So lets see what to do?????? FLUSH!!!!! When you just don't know Flush. When I grow seeds or clones I only feed with Liquid Karma, that's all they get till they have 2 sets of leaves. Hope you get it sorted before you...
  8. woodsmaneh!

    what to use?

    I am always looking for great new product thanks for the pointer. I have used zone in my RDWC and am very happy with the results, I have tried some others but for me Zone is it. I run 250 gal res's so it takes gallons of nutrients to mix up. I use 200ml of zone, that's not much when you use...
  9. woodsmaneh!

    Organic experts, how do I learn what you know?

    Do I did not miss it potting soil is not promix or sunshine!!! There is no soil in Pro-Mix! THEY ARE PEAT BASED. shame on you Matt you know better! PRO‐MIX HP MYCORRHIZAE™ PRO-MIX HP MYCORRHIZAE™ is a high porosity peat-based growing medium ideal for water sensitive...
  10. woodsmaneh!

    10,800 watts - will it draw suspicion?

    The power company cares and they will report suspicious activity to five O.
  11. woodsmaneh!

    10,800 watts - will it draw suspicion?

    Computers look at the information and compare it to bills in the last year. A big spike will trigger a caution in the system and someone will have a look. The best way is to do it over a few months, not all at once. Yes they do care if you pay the bill, always be on time.
  12. woodsmaneh!

    Is this PH damage?

    Signs of Too Much Fertilizer Flush marijuana plant with 25% recommended nutrients and back off the food, too much too soon. Like giving a baby chips and beer. Liquid Karma is a great way to start and grow your little ones.
  13. woodsmaneh!

    what to use?

    I have used all kinds of stuff but I found the best for me in dirt or promix was Botanicare and some Liquid Karma and Cal-mag. Simple and effective. Currently I am doing RDWC and started with Cana but...
  14. woodsmaneh!

    Hydro grower's need some help bout PH'ing.

    Your plant will not last in 8.1 too many elements are locked up. Try lemon juice for ph down.
  15. woodsmaneh!

    Can I go from 1 week of Veg to flowering?

    I have started seeds and cuttings under 400w and 1000w with no bad side effects, most people have the lights too close. Plants outside get full sun and do just fine. Nothing like looking to mother nature to check your logic.
  16. woodsmaneh!

    Can I go from 1 week of Veg to flowering?

    Yup under the 400, I start my veg under a 1000w about 18 to 20 inches away.
  17. woodsmaneh!

    will neem oil kill lady bugs??

    Neem is not a knock down killer, something like Azamax is. Neem will harm good bugs, ladybugs if they come in direct contact with the spray, if they don't get sprayed it will not do any harm. No it will not harm ladybugs. See below... you can find some other interesting info here...
  18. woodsmaneh!

    Organic experts, how do I learn what you know?

    WHAT IS PLANT NUTRITION? Plants use inorganic minerals for nutrition, whether grown in the field or in a container. Complex interactions involving weathering of rock minerals, decaying organic matter, animals, and microbes take place to form inorganic minerals in soil. Roots absorb mineral...