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  1. woodsmaneh!

    Show Off Your Dog's Threads!!!

    Where did you get a picture of my DAD??? I love your dog, just cause he's old don't mean you love them less. Good on you keeping him and I thought you were a murdering bitch, LMFAO Peace and positive vibes to you and your dog I'm old and have eye problems will you take me in, I come with a...
  2. woodsmaneh!

    The biggest RDWC system you ever saw

    what's up Mr. Bond, right now I am running 4 1000w as still in veg, than will go to 6 for flower. I had planned to put them in the other room which is sealed but after a big flood in the sealed room set this up in a room I was going to use for another 9x20 gal set up. So will move one day as the...
  3. woodsmaneh!

    Alternative News Sources.

    this is how I roll, check out the free demo
  4. woodsmaneh!

    Do you need 10 bottles of nutes?

    As your experience grows so will your need for even bigger harvest, that's where all the other shit comes in. Keep it simple for the first few grows than do some research and pick something that will be effective at adding weight to your grow. Never add more than 1 new product at a time, if you...
  5. woodsmaneh!

    charcoal filter life span

    There are too many factors involved to say for sure, with filters you get what you pay for, they are not all created equal! There are different types of charcoal and different size wall thickness, some companies compact the charcoal some don't so there is settling, not good. Things like air...
  6. woodsmaneh!

    Show Off Your Dog's Threads!!!

    I raised Dobermans for 25 years then my some brought a pit bull home, well we have had them for 8 years now and what a supper dog. The three of them get along fine and have never had a fight. This is my female red nose when she was a pup. Will post more when I get home.
  7. woodsmaneh!

    The biggest RDWC system you ever saw

    So I was fighting leaks for days than I said fuck it I need to get going so Hung the lights by standing on the barrels when I was finished there was water around 3 barrels and I just about cried, but being a man I just said fuck it, I'll deal with it tomorrow. Tomorrow came and went down to...
  8. woodsmaneh!

    The biggest RDWC system you ever saw

    I think it will be 6 months before I master getting 1 pound per plant, can always hope. I just need to spend time with my girls. If you want to play with the big dogs you got to go big. Been thinking about that and have seen some people have great luck doing it that way, I just don't have the...
  9. woodsmaneh!

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    I'll post some pics, I want to go 220 as it is easier to run 4 1000w and a chiller and 2 pumps off a 50A 220 than 5 110 boxes. Make my own 50a panels with HD timer. The brown box on the bottom is 110, I usualy have a spring loaded cover for the 110 and it is clearly marked. For my own use only...
  10. woodsmaneh!

    C.A.P. PPM-4 worth it or not?

    I have had CAP controllers and Co2 monitors for 7 years and they all still work great. I have a couple greenhouse controllers hooked to the Co2 monitors. I would buy again.
  11. woodsmaneh!

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    I have some 110 1000w ballast and was told you can switch them to 220 by changing a wire inside, do you know anything about this? Thanks
  12. woodsmaneh!

    After Spraying Alcohol/Water for Spider Mites.....

    10% alcohol, but it will not get rid of them. You need Azamx or Avid. AzaMax™ Botanical Insecticide, Miticide, and Nematicide AzaMax is a natural product with a broad spectrum of pest control and broad plant applications. AzaMax is made from special Azadirachtin Technical extracted...
  13. woodsmaneh!

    The biggest RDWC system you ever saw

    Just have a hose in the barrel for now. I don't have the final plumbing done yet as the chiller shipped with no fittings. They are working on it but I decided to order from 2 online stores so hope to have it here in 5 days than I can finish the plumbing. Right now I'm veging till I get the...
  14. woodsmaneh!

    The biggest RDWC system you ever saw

    Here they are loaded in the big boys and a shot of my other room rocking.
  15. woodsmaneh!

    my first little crop since the early 80"s

    Nice job, if it we me I would wait till all the tri are cloudy, little more couch lock.
  16. woodsmaneh!

    Using a small amount of weed to cook

    Tea with shrooms not weed, you would need to drink the weed with the tea and it would taste like shit, THC is not water soluble. Fire cracker or just eat it on a peace of peanut butter on bread.
  17. woodsmaneh!

    Round 2: Extrema & El Monstre DWC Cooler Scrog

    excellent job brother Big Up's to ya.. Checking out of a while? , safe travels, Peace
  18. woodsmaneh!

    Clear slime

    Get some Dutch Master Zone, your res is too warm, put some frozen water bottles in there.:joint:
  19. woodsmaneh!

    Hookers, would you ever get one?

    I don't pay them for sex I pay them to leave.