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  1. woodsmaneh!

    The biggest RDWC system you ever saw

    This system is for another room but since I had a pail crack and flood I have decided to build water proof enclosures for them. Anyway there too close together but will do 1 run like this than move after to a bigger room. Just hopping for 4 to 5 # this go.
  2. woodsmaneh!

    replacing air question

    Most fan web sites have calculators to tell you. Replacing the air every 1 to 2 minutes is the norn that's why a 200 cfpm will do fine. If you put a 750 in there it will sound like a jet taking off way over kill.
  3. woodsmaneh!

    16000+ watts medigrow: og kush+ 13 x 1kw hps + 3 x t5 badboys + grotek = *HAPPY JOY*

    Too much N is a known cause of claw, are your leaves dark green? if so back off the elements, the claw slows growth and maturity in most cannabis strains.
  4. woodsmaneh!

    replacing air question

    I would go with a 200cfpm fan, with a couple bends in the line you will get the air out in around 1 minute which is good.
  5. woodsmaneh!

    Making Some Extra Cash

    OK that's a clear picture and I can see why work at home is the only way to go. You might want to call the news papers and tell they your problems with the Vet service that might get you sorted out quicker. Shit like this makes my blood boil. Wish I could help more.
  6. woodsmaneh!

    The biggest RDWC system you ever saw

    Here are pics of my other girls :weed::weed::weed::weed::weed: I screwed them up just like the first grow but caught it sooner. Low humidity for first 10 days, thought they might die but they are coming back strong, were in week 6 of flower. I bent the tops over yesterday.
  7. woodsmaneh!

    The biggest RDWC system you ever saw

    well got all the leaks fixed and have the system running with nutrients in it. Will get the plants in tomorrow. Waiting for parts for the chiller, cost $18.oo and will change the clear pipe to black when the parts show up. Still a bit of work to do. The leak under the filter is fixed, lose clamp.
  8. woodsmaneh!

    Making Some Extra Cash

    Everyone can do something, what can you do. If you have a brain injury then they must have given you tests to see what levels you are functioning at, not trying to pry, my wife is a Certified Vocational Counseler and she spends he days testing and recommending jobs for people with brain...
  9. woodsmaneh!

    A talk about "Hippies"

    You can get gators in NY just open a manhole and one will swim by in a minute. Careful in Mexico, loads of bad karma down there, your life is worth zero. Sad state of affairs. Safe journey
  10. woodsmaneh!

    Have you ever had to choose between your money and your life?

    I decided to give my life and money up at the same time, got married.
  11. woodsmaneh!

    SHOW OFF YOUR TATTOOS!!!!!.....(especially if your a hot girl, LOL)

    Beer too, and jellybeans and watermelon, anyone else hungry
  12. woodsmaneh!

    A talk about "Hippies"

    Do pirates live in Texas, I guess they do now, sounds like a great adventure, hope you get started, I'll just ride on, use to be right on. you do have a parrot don't you, all real pirates have a parrot on their shoulder.
  13. woodsmaneh!

    going on first dates baked

    Hope she is 420 or you may just be going alone.
  14. woodsmaneh!

    A talk about "Hippies"

    Hippies, laid back man, always chill, into saving the world and 90% you can tell by the way they dress and move, most sources of income are from crafts and growing vegetables and stuff for sale, don't pay tax and don't believe in birth control. When I figured the last point out I decided I...
  15. woodsmaneh!

    Rent a property to growers Should I Yes No?

    Yup the wife pulled down some local busts and some landlords lost the house even though rented. So Way bad Idea
  16. woodsmaneh!

    The biggest RDWC system you ever saw

    Well spent the last 2 days fixing leaks, working with the 4 inch is a bitch, had the elbows leak so got new ones, fix one leak find another. I don't need 250 gallons getting lose on me. Don't have the hook-ups for my 1 hp chiller. Someone must have liberated them at the shippers. Air pump and...
  17. woodsmaneh!

    Rent a property to growers Should I Yes No?

    Decided he's not going to do it.
  18. woodsmaneh!

    How To Ruin Your RIU Accnt.

    SP riding free FTW Bro 1% Good way to ruin a buzz, but he still makes me laugh, you can visit on Utube anytime. Puff Puff Puff better now Beers to you
  19. woodsmaneh!

    Rent a property to growers Should I Yes No?

    So I now this guy who has a house worth 400K and he has been approached to rent it to some growers. They have offered 10K a month for as long as he would like or till they get busted. He's got another place to live so moving out is no problem. They said he can have a look every 3 months and they...
  20. woodsmaneh!

    Spider mites durring flowering and Hot Shot No-Pest strips.

    Lots of Hydro shops carry it, don't think the big box stores have it. Lots on line