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  1. SGmenace

    Yellowing bottom leaves 3 weeks into flower

    Thanks again everyone! sincl9759: Yea, I guess I am mental for not checking PH. Things have been going so smoothly up until now I didn't think it was necessary. Im not gonna bump up the nutes until I know my Ph. One step at a time. SeanDeerGreen: Thanks for the info on how to correct and check...
  2. SGmenace

    Yellowing bottom leaves 3 weeks into flower

    Thanks for the input! Im gonna take your advice and cut out the PK 13-14 and half the strength of nutrient solution. Some leaves are showing "the claw". Next time I think i will be using the Canna coco line I always have troubles when using the flora series.... a nutrient line specially made for...
  3. SGmenace

    Yellowing bottom leaves 3 weeks into flower

    400w HPS cool tube day temp = mid to high 70's night temp = high 60's 5 Purple Kush COCO Flora series nutrients at full strength as directed on the bottle (flowering stage) supplementing with Canna PK 13-14 as directed on the bottle PH = not really sure.... a long time ago I checked the PH of...
  4. SGmenace

    Why are my leaves turning purple without low temps??

    Thanks,I will take a look at that sticky. I'm more looking for your guys opinion on how much longer they should flower for. Yes, By PK I meant purple kush.
  5. SGmenace

    Why are my leaves turning purple without low temps??

    I didn't think PK was actually purple. That's kinda nice to hear! Anyways, any ideas on how much longer I should flower for?
  6. SGmenace

    Why are my leaves turning purple without low temps??

    so ill start regular feeding. For how much longer do you guys think?
  7. SGmenace

    Why are my leaves turning purple without low temps??

    PK flowering for 51 days under a 400 watt hps fertilizing with GH flora series. These ladies had a bit of N toxicity so I haven't fed for about 1.5 weeks and I haven't noticed any significant bud growth during this time. I just got back from a small trip and the leaves on the top of the...
  8. SGmenace

    PK 44 days flowering

    Thanks! this is my first real successful grow. Im so happy the ways its turned out! Cant wait to see how they taste!
  9. SGmenace

    PK 44 days flowering

    The laddies got some fresh air and hot sun today while I was tying them up. There starting to get nice and heavy :) Im thinking ill start flushing in about 2 weeks.....? cant wait till they start to swell up!
  10. SGmenace

    How much longer?

    hummm maybe Im blind but I don't see anything in my first picture that resembles a male acorn.
  11. SGmenace

    How much longer?

    Im still not seeing the yellow sections your talking about. all I see is wonderful female flowers. Heres three more pics of that same suspicious bud from different angles. Maybe Im just missing something..?
  12. SGmenace

    How much longer?

    A HERMIE!? I Don't see any suspicious yellow growths? were in the pic?
  13. SGmenace

    How much longer?

    60 days is too short for a indica?
  14. SGmenace

    How much longer?

    First time grower, Growing PK under a 400w HPS. I have to move out of my house in 22 days and Im afraid my ladies wont make it to there full potential. What do you guys think? they've been flowering for 38 days but there buds arnt as "fat" as I was hoping.
  15. SGmenace

    Not too sure what this is? Opinions?

    Could I just buy some bottled water and use that? I really dont think its my tap water I Live on the west coast of BC and apparently we have some of the best water in the world, so Iv been told. Because Im growing in coco I have to water at least once every 3 days or else they dry out WAY to...
  16. SGmenace

    Not too sure what this is? Opinions?

    okay so..... hows does this sound as a plan: 1. Flush tomorrow morning 2. wait a 2 days 3. begin fertilizing once every 2 days with tap waterings in-between
  17. SGmenace

    Not too sure what this is? Opinions?

    I completely agree but the picture of the leaf with the bluish tinge is the odd one out most of the leaves are yellowing from the veins outward....
  18. SGmenace

    Not too sure what this is? Opinions?

    humidity is 55% right now and temp is rangers from 75 being lowest at night and 90 being the highest during the day.