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  1. SGmenace

    I don't understand my new timer board - Help

    Hi, I just got a new timer board and need help understanding how it works and how to get it working. I will be running 4 x 1000w. Any help is appreciated. Heres the board Heres how the contactor is wired. The top cord that exits the junction box leads to a female end. The bottom cord that...
  2. SGmenace

    Lighting and AC in my 12 by 12 flower room

    I am in the process of setting up 12 by 12 sealed flower room with a growing area of 10 by 10. I already had a 1.5 ton mini split installed and am looking for some advice on lighting and AC. At first I was thinking 4 bare bulb 1000w but now Im thinking thats totally overkill. My mini split...
  3. SGmenace

    Deficiency or nutrient burn?

    600w MH 70% CoCo 30% perlite Flora series, currently using 3/4 strength general all purpose ratio watering ever 3-4 days with at least 50% run off. pH goes in at 6.0 and run off is around 5.7. temp hovers around 22-24 I cant tell whats going on... I thought it was nute burn so I'v been watering...
  4. SGmenace

    Church 9 weeks into flower. Is it time?

    yup, all those seeds were from GHS. I'v read a few bad reviews and experiences regarding there strains but, over all I was really happy with the results. That White Widow was something else! frostiest plant I'v ever grown. I still think about her from time to time haha.
  5. SGmenace

    Auto flowers 8 weeks in, looking for opinions

    Just want to show off my almost ready plant and find out some opinions on when I should start flushing. This is a White Dwarf by Buddah seeds thats been growing for roughly 8 weeks. Its not very dwarf like, around 3.5 feet tall and bushy! I have a lupe for checking trichs I just find it hard to...
  6. SGmenace

    Church 9 weeks into flower. Is it time?

    Breeder was green house seeds
  7. SGmenace

    First Auto grow, a few weeks to harvest.

    Light: 400 and 600 hps Medium: coco Nutrients: Fora series with floralicious Additives: Bud Blood, Big Bud and Carboload by advanced nutrients Strain: Auto flowering White Dwarf and Syurp by Buddha seeds This is my first auto flower grow and so far I'm pretty happy. I planted these strait into...
  8. SGmenace

    Nutrient deficiency in early flowering?

    I was thinking it was sulfur or mag just because the flora bloom is the one with the majority of those compounds in the series. Since their farther into flowering then I realized and that I was late at transitioning to "blooming and ripening" I figured they were in need of those two. I'v been...
  9. SGmenace

    Nutrient deficiency in early flowering?

    400 and 600 HPS Autoflower White Dwarf and Syrup by Buddha seeds in 3 gallon pots with coco Flora series and floralicious bloom 24/0 just switched to 20/4 ph has been steady at 5.7 I'll start off by saying this is my first time growing auto flowers and so far I'm pretty happy with the way there...
  10. SGmenace

    Church 9 weeks into flower. Is it time?

    Well, heres the end product. Im pretty happy with the way they turned out. The colas are a bit on the small side but I think the denseness of the nugs will make up for it. I would post more pictures of the full harvest but my internet is so slow, uploading pictures is pain full. Here's my...
  11. SGmenace

    Church 9 weeks into flower. Is it time?

    Hi, I'm just looking for some opinions on if I should harvest my ladies. There coming up to 9 weeks of flowering. The calaxes look pretty swollen and the plant as a whole is showing signs of senescence. I do have a loupe for looking at the trich's, but it's really hard for me keeping it in...
  12. SGmenace

    Yellowing leaf margins

    Well, I knew I shouldn't have gone full strength... so dumb. Like rusty said its time for recovery I guess I'll flush with some Ph adjusted water once my meter gets here. Hopefully that will be soon because I think I need to flush ASAP. Should I wait to flush or just flush with tap water right...
  13. SGmenace

    Yellowing leaf margins

    Hey there. Two of my seedlings are showing signs of stress (the white widow and white rhino). The leaf margin are yellowing and crisping up. I'm using the GH flora series; I did give them a full strength dose of fertilizer about a week ago..... I'm thinking a bit of nut burn is happening but...
  14. SGmenace

    9 weeks flowering

    Do the trichomes really change that fast after the first few amber ones show up? Thanks for the input guys! Id like to them fatten up a bit more so, I'm gonna wait till next week. See how they look by then. They were clones when I got them and was told they were purple kush but who knows. All...
  15. SGmenace

    9 weeks flowering

    9 weeks into flowering under a 600w grown in coco. I'd say no more then 10% of the trichomes are amber. I was thinking 2 more weeks. What do you think?
  16. SGmenace

    flowering day 54

    Until today these have been under a 400 but, today I just got my new 600 digital :). I wonder if it will make a difference for the last next few weeks...? The past few weeks have been hard because, appearance wise, not much has changed and Im so tempted to start flushing and harvest. I need to...
  17. SGmenace

    Phosphorous deficiency??

    thanks for the fast response! I guess Ill just keeping running the course Im on for a few more weeks until flushing! I CANT WAIT! haha thanks again.
  18. SGmenace

    Phosphorous deficiency??

    400W hps coco with flora series nutrient line Ph 5.8 ish 6 weeks into flowering Im thinking I have some phosphorus deficiency going on? Its only showing up on the bottom leaves the rest of the plants look very healthy. I think this is normal going into the 7th week of flowering but I want to...
  19. SGmenace

    6 weeks into flowering

    6 weeks into flowering 5 plants under a 400W HPS In coco Im really looking forward to chopping these down! I'd like to see them to grow for 3 more weeks including a week of flushing but, well see how they look by then. Ill post a update in a few weeks :)
  20. SGmenace

    Yellowing bottom leaves 3 weeks into flower

    So, over the past 2 weeks I got around to checking my Ph. Its going in around 6 and run off is around 5.8. There is no issues with 3 of the plants but 2 of them seem to be suffering (you can see the difference between them in the pics). Smaller bud development, scraggily dropping lover leaves...