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  1. kay

    Here I go again...Reason for concern or Just Useless Worry??

    Might be having some issues...Have 600w mh, 4-5 gallon pots, Sunshine Organic Mix,18days since transplanted from cups and 1 week since moved from t-5s to MHs,feed Iguana Juice n Micro 1/4 strength,saw some problems with my Bubble Kush so I flushed thinking Nute Burn or something..still drooping...
  2. kay

    WHATCHU KNOW ABOUT THAT...No Really I want to know because its my first grow:)

    so this is few days after initial seems like they are a little better
  3. kay

    Ever think a noobies DEA?

    Iam a new B lol Hope I dont freak anyone out lol...hhhmmmmm maybe thats why no one has helped me out!!!hehehe
  4. kay

    Whats up with noobies saying

    I smoked for the first time less than a year ago..and Im in 30's I think I just expected something different..feeling wise. Now that Ive smoked different strains I can see differences in highs and know what I like:)
  5. kay

    WHATCHU KNOW ABOUT THAT...No Really I want to know because its my first grow:)

    Ive always watered when my pots feel lighter(could be 1/2 there weight) so for my plants every two days right now..but the ones in the ground Ive been doing everyday early morning I dont want root rot so Ive been carefull with over-watering. ..I dont have any males only females..with no signs of...
  6. kay

    WHATCHU KNOW ABOUT THAT...No Really I want to know because its my first grow:)

    Chili sauce huh? Like Tapatio? Never heard that one doesnt it mess with flavor of bud?
  7. kay

    WHATCHU KNOW ABOUT THAT...No Really I want to know because its my first grow:)

    Thanks for advise BJ I got the Azamax and did a foiler spray..I will see how it goes hope it works and I did pick up Neam oil before but I got wrong kind It was not pure it was a diluted mix.I think maybe Ill continue the Azamax recommendation then continue with the Neam oil as a preventive...
  8. kay

    WHATCHU KNOW ABOUT THAT...No Really I want to know because its my first grow:)

    thanks I am thinking of using Azamax? someone posted my thread about it and I went and found it takes care of all the critter problems I got..seen white flies today:( So what u seen in my pics is mites?
  9. kay

    Whats wrong with my plants???

    Took a look 12 benji I think I do got bugs posted pics in my journal..are those thripes?I saw three different kinds not all over just a couple on different plants some are winged ..dont know what they are
  10. kay

    GOT PROBLEMS..I NEED HELP with outdoor Crop

    Well I took a serious look at my girls and u guys are right I think it is pests..I posted some more pics in my journal..what kind of bugs are they do u think?And could those be the reason for the breakdown in plants
  11. kay

    WHATCHU KNOW ABOUT THAT...No Really I want to know because its my first grow:)

    Hey all this is my first real grow and I'd like feedback from anyone that can offer any if you see something I should be doing,different methods,how to increase yields,grooming & trimming techniques,how to get rid of pests and prevention/protection during flowering cycle...Here is...
  12. kay

    GOT PROBLEMS..I NEED HELP with outdoor Crop

    thanks Cali I will head over to pick that it ok to use on my plants eventhough they are sick? Or should I try it anyway since they could be getting attacked by bugs?I just dont want to daage them anymore and nervous that whatever it is will spread to other healthy plants.By the way ur tag...
  13. kay

    GOT PROBLEMS..I NEED HELP with outdoor Crop

    hhmmm so u had mites?I seriously do not see anything on plants Ive looked..maybe its my spray too:(
  14. kay

    GOT PROBLEMS..I NEED HELP with outdoor Crop

    Here are pics I 4got to attach..and I did look for insects on underside of leaves also on stems didnt see even used magnified lens..I am soooo stumped
  15. kay

    GOT PROBLEMS..I NEED HELP with outdoor Crop

    Having some problems with my outdoor grow I have 20 n pots using sunshine mix,had first feed 25days ago,had sprayed with Ortho Ecosence Insect soap for Organic veggies like 20 days ago,then with Ecosence Bug Killer for Organic 7 days ago and now 6 of them are starting to wilt..also have 10 in...
  16. kay

    Whats wrong with my plants???

    Just pulled off this leaf from bottom of one of the healthier plants..think I got a problem:cry:
  17. kay

    Whats wrong with my plants???

    Started 20 days ago used Ortho Ecosense Insecticdal soap(for organic veggie gardens) then 14 days later applied Ortho Ecosense Outdoor insect killer instead of the soap..I had seen ants around and on some of my in ground plants and gnats(?)... and slug trails so made border around it with slug...
  18. kay

    Whats wrong with my plants???

    Soo Have few pics of ones in ground..and in pots
  19. kay

    Whats wrong with my plants???

    Thanks for reply..the only thing is all but three(which are in ground and have pre-flowering problem, cloned from flowering plant) are from same strain from clones and not all are affected(fingers crossed yet) look at pics of healthy ones. If it is genes what can I do to help them is...
  20. kay

    Whats wrong with my plants???

    I am not sure whats wrong with my plants..they are in sunshine mix and have been feed one time..didnt go full strength..and have sprayed once organic Insect soap. I have some in pots and some in the ground and like the ones in pots there are a few that are wilting or curling under.I have...