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  1. K

    Grow Bible?

    Ok cool thanks, I'm gonna order it right now. Are there any others I should get along with it, or does it really have everything I need?
  2. K

    Grow Bible?

    I've seen alot of people on here say to get the grow bible and that it teaches you everything you need to know, so I'm about to order it but I'm confused on which book it actually is. There's more than one book with "grow bible" in the title, is it the one by Greg Green (i think this one is it...
  3. K

    What's the Point of Starting in a 16oz Cup?

    Instead of putting the germinated seed in a 16oz cup and transplanting to a 3-5 gallon pot when the roots fill the cup, why can't you just start the seed in the 3-5 gallon? Why is it better to start in the cup? Thanks in advance.
  4. K

    Foxfarm Ocean Forest and Nutes?

    If I'm growing with foxfarm ocean forest should I still start using nutrients right away, or should I wait a little bit first and if so how long? Also, has anyone tried the nutrient tabs from nirvana seeds? Do they work or not really? Thanks.
  5. K

    2 Medical Patients Growing Together

    Hey everyone hows it going, I've been reading these forums for a few days but I just now registered an account so I could clear up confusion in this thread. The law here in California is 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants, it is NOT "and". So basically if you have any mature plants your...