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  1. K


    Oooooh but I'm doing hydro that's why I posted this in the hydro forum lol. Ebb and flow. What about for that?
  2. K


    What do you mean by 3/1 flush?
  3. K

    Smoking weed/tobacco around plants?

    Oh but also I guess if I was more specific it would help. I only smoke cigarettes outside, but I do smoke hookah inside. And it wouldn't be directly in the room the plants are in, but the rooms are divided by a flap of black and white poly, not an actual door. But the intake air to that room...
  4. K

    Smoking weed/tobacco around plants?

    Ya I know :( It's just that i WANT the answer to be "no it is perfectly fine for the plants in fact it makes them happier!" haha...
  5. K


    So I was wondering if when you flush your plants, do you use pure water or do you still use a diluted amount of your base fertilizer? Also when you flush, how long is it for? Just a few feedings, all day, or multiple days? Thanks. Oh and how often do you do it? If I'm not mistaken it's once...
  6. K

    Smoking weed/tobacco around plants?

    Well ya I know it's not GOOD, like it's not gonna be beneficial or anything lol. But is it really BAD? Seems like people disagree on this one. To the people who say it's bad: are you saying that from experience or just guessing? And to sso, ya I think anyone who doesn't smoke tobacco will...
  7. K

    Smoking weed/tobacco around plants?

    See now this is confusing because to me walking through a kindergarten class with severed baby heads on a bayonet does seem kinda bad.... but i dunno maybe not. Maybe all the kids would think it was awesome. And then their parents would all give you money for making their kids so happy. And...
  8. K

    Smoking weed/tobacco around plants?

    Is smoking around plants bad for them? Weed? Tobacco? Both? Neither? Thanks.
  9. K

    Which way do you plant the seeds after germination?

    Wait so I'm a little confused still... if theres a little white nub put that facing up or down?
  10. K

    Seed Exchange? Legal?

    Ya I think that's right gioua. But it'd probably have to be for people just in california, and definitely only between people with cards, and no money would be allowed to be involved just trading. I think that's legal.
  11. K


    weed is winning!
  12. K

    Which way do you plant the seeds after germination?

    So I'm putting my seeds directly from soaking for 24 hours into rapid rooters. I know you are supposed to put the root facing down, but is that only if the root is a decent length out of the seed, for example if you used paper towels first? If I'm not using paper towels, and just putting them...
  13. K


    I like weed! yay
  14. K

    Question about ebb and flow and hydroton

    Ya I'm gonna do that with the panda film. I think I'm going to cover the tray with the pots in it with the film, then mark where the middle of each pot is on the film, then cut holes maybe an inch or an inch and a half in diameter on the marks I made. Then after they sprout and I transfer them...
  15. K

    Not enough heat in grow tent

    The only thing about little electric space heaters is they use SO MUCH ENERGY. Doesn't a tiny little one use like 1500w?
  16. K

    newbie question

    I think all plant fertilizer is just N-P-K in some kind of ratio, so ya it should work better than nothing but I'm not entirely positive. Just start with a really low ppm and see how it goes. Also I think you want more of a 6.5 PH with soil. Oh and don't start fertilizing until veg, they...
  17. K

    Soil Germination Screwup

    Ya you want to germinate your seeds first (soak them in a shotglass for 24 hours). Also, an inch is waaaay too deep you should plant it twice as deep as the width of the seed (so not very deep at all, twice the width not the length). Seeds don't like light, you want to keep them in the dark...
  18. K

    Noob here, hello to all. :)

    Yeah that's plenty of room for 3 plants. I'm about to start my first grow (building my grow room right now I'm so excited!) and I'm gonna have 15 plants in a 2x2 tray. Of course it's hydro though so the plants are gonna be smaller than soil, and it'll only be 15 during veg cause obv the males...
  19. K

    Film over tray?

    Cool thanks
  20. K

    Film over tray?

    In ebb and flow is it best to cover the top of the tray with something that has holes for the plants so no light gets down there? If so would black and white poly work?