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  1. pelzroo


    I recently switched my flower room over to just bubble buckets and have been stoked with the results. The more air I add the happier they seem. I have never seen such explosive growth.
  2. pelzroo

    Heaths ghetto grow.

    i just looked through your gallery in it's entirety, I must say I am quite impressed by how you maintain such healthy looking plants using many different systems. Big ups to you, thanks for posting.
  3. pelzroo


    as long as the water is bubbling with air bubbles you could leave the clones in there through flowering if you wanted to. Just make sure the roots dont sit in unbubbled water, or the roots will rot. Hope this answers your question.
  4. pelzroo

    Round 2 Vertical: 2400 watts, Hydro AND Soil: Agent Orange, Trainwreck, Sour Diesel

    Nice looking room flojo have you ever tried hanging 1000w lights vertically? Do you think they get to hot to get that close to the plants? I'm looking forward to seeing the green monster fill in. cheers
  5. pelzroo

    Home Blown

    bubblers I made some time ago
  6. pelzroo

    Home Blown

    some random photos of my glass that i found on my computer
  7. pelzroo

    Again root rot?? Day 13

    I add water with H2O2 without nutes, wait a half hour then add nutes and balance my water, seems to work ok. Some organic nutrients can not be used with H2O2 so watch out for that.
  8. pelzroo

    Anyone using the 30 amp timer boxes??

    these work just fine, as long as it uses an external timer. That way when the timer inevitably croaks you don't need to replace the whole $300 box you can make one of these yourself for much cheaper I used to run 6...
  9. pelzroo

    Use airstones in 8 pot dripper system???

    absolutely use air stones
  10. pelzroo


    cannamed charged 200 for doctor consult, plus 90 for the state, and you can spend 50 for a original signature from the approving doctor that will get you into some dispensaries during the time it takes you to get your card from the state. Mine took 32 days to arrive.
  11. pelzroo

    need sum advice on water temps in my dwc

    H2O2 helps oxygenate the water and kill any algae or bacteria that may be growing in your water or on your roots. It works great as long as you don't over do it.
  12. pelzroo

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    patience with the cuttings some strains take longer
  13. pelzroo

    is it better to leave my lights on 18/6 or.....

    my ladies like the 6 hours rest that i give em during veg, 18/6 seems to be plenty
  14. pelzroo

    1st time hydro grower questions

    I would have started the seeds directly in the rockwool. I'd transplant sooner than later to avoid any more shock than is necessary and before the roots start to develop in the soil, be careful not to introduce too much dirt to your aqua-environment. But don't be too agressive washing the dirt...
  15. pelzroo

    Nooooo!!! Major Droopage!!!

    I've had this happen from h202 they've always bounced back by the next day
  16. pelzroo

    DWC: Group or Individual resevoir?

    I use 18 - 32 gallon buckets, this allows plenty of room for the roots to go ape shit and fill in the space. I can also get away with adding water every second or third day thanks to the extra gallons. I leave 2 or 3 inches between the bottom of the cup and the water line to let the roots...
  17. pelzroo

    Running Air pump in Ebb & Flow

    'The air pump is gonna have some problems once all of that water drains down' I don't understand how an empty res would effect an air pump?
  18. pelzroo

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    I've been using the 6 inch pvc pipe and have had good results so far. I can't recall if stink said in the previous 97 pages a reason why he prefers the fence posts over them. 10 feet of 6 inch pvc at the dome depot was $25, and the dude there was more than happy to cut it down for me.
  19. pelzroo

    advanced nutrients ?

    I use the 2 part with big bud and have been stoked on it. I also add overdrive for the last 3 weeks before flush and really think it helps.
  20. pelzroo

    Timer help please

    never had a problem going straight from 18/6 to 12/12