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  1. pelzroo

    Glass Blunts

    I have a buddy who makes em, I'd rather pack less more frequently
  2. pelzroo

    If my plants were people theyd be taking me to court by now... -root rot diagnosis?

    I'd use H2O2 and maybe add some more air to your water. I've had worse looking roots turn around.
  3. pelzroo

    Proposition 8 - The Musical

    NPH was awesome in this, brilliant video too bad it didn't come out last month
  4. pelzroo

    A questions for the groweres who have done a DWC grow! Pic included for question!

    not long, things will get crowded really quick, I'd try to bend em over the side as much as possible to give each girl some room to breath
  5. pelzroo

    How does DWC work?

    there is an air pump that bubbles the water that the roots sit in and that is it pretty much it. If no roots are hanging down the water needs to be high enough that the popping bubbles on the surface hit the cup and wet the medium inside. Once roots hang in the water you can gradually drop the...
  6. pelzroo

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    sadly i am on week 7 of 10, but happily they are showing encouraging signs of life. I gave em a flush with h2o2 and they look like they are perking up, I'll know more once the lights come on. Thanks for the reply I was getting ready to toss em, once I was done punching holes in my wall.
  7. pelzroo

    Home Blown

    Thanks Pie eye? It took me at least a few years before I was ever really stoked on any of my pieces from an objective view point. It only took about 2 months before I was making something that I could pack and not be embarrassed busting out in front of strangers. My first day on the torch I...
  8. pelzroo

    help with s.o.g. hydroponics grow

    I always like to ramp em down before the flush, normally I hit my peak nutrient wise week 5 then start gradually bringing the ppm's down during the next two weeks before flushing. I've added clonex to my vegging buckets in the past when i was nursing sick plants to stimulate root growth, but...
  9. pelzroo

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    how long can the plants go unwatered for before there in no chance of bouncing back? I just suffered a tragic powerstrip malfunction and am wondering if I should hold out hope or just dump them in the trash?
  10. pelzroo

    help with s.o.g. hydroponics grow

    What up Panic! I'd be very careful adding too much ph up especially if you have added down already. I've noticed it leaves flaky crystal salt-like deposits in my DWC. Whenever possible I use plain water to bump up the PH a little Also I totally agree with OITW that redundancy is key when it...
  11. pelzroo

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    I was wondering why soil plants are harder to clone, Do they just take longer to root? I've been taking cutting from my brothers soil moms for years, have I been shooting myself in the foot this whole time? Thanks to everybody on this thread, I've learned more in 120 pages (wow) than in 8...
  12. pelzroo

    Home Blown

    that piece is currently goopy with resin at my brothers house, it looks sick all filled in I could recreate this piece if you'd like
  13. pelzroo

    Home Blown

    some more pieces from random folders on my hard drive all made high in colorado between 2002-2006
  14. pelzroo

    Home Blown

    I'm not sitting on a whole lot of stock right now. I've been mostly doing custom orders for the last little bit. You can pm me if you are interested in ordering one I'll take pictures of what I have as soon as I get my camera back from a friend. cheers
  15. pelzroo

    Home Blown

    Started way back in 97 down in sedona az. As long as you are for scuba I am appy. when i'm not glassblowing I like to make bubbles, not the hash kind the Scuba kind.
  16. pelzroo

    Bubbler and Mister overkill?

    I only use the pump mister set up in my veg box until the roots start to hang down, then for the rest of veg and all of flowering i only use the airstones. I used to use the pump and was having water temp issues. I've not regretted taking the pump away.
  17. pelzroo

    Place where I can find interesting multiple chamber bubblers/glass?

    my only thought when you say six chamber bubbler is what a pain in the ass it'll be to fill and empty the water. search and email an artist you like.
  18. pelzroo

    Yield survey

    best plant I ever had was 13.5 oz dried best room total was 10.25 lbs from 6kw it was an ak-47 mix and I'm still sad that the mother died.
  19. pelzroo

    20+60 plant hydro operation,ebb,drip,white berry

    nice one I have a similar hidden room with tube and bubble buckets good looking so far, hope they grow big and fat good on you
  20. pelzroo

    big bud, bubblegum, northern lights grow dwc

    how much air do you use for your DWC set up?