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  1. bagseedchamp

    need help!!! i think mag deficiency!!!

    thanks for that...really help abt a day away from transplanting again...i went out and got MG organic choice...i intend to mix in some of the blood meal tea ive had sitting....sparingly off course...some perlite and i will go back for the dolomite lime and add to the other...
  2. bagseedchamp

    need help!!! i think mag deficiency!!!

    any other advice will help...just set up a co2 gen with the basic like a charm...hopping to see a diff soon...any advice on this subject?? has anyone used this method during veg and if so wht is the out come and is even a good idea at this stage? thanks for all the help...
  3. bagseedchamp

    need help!!! i think mag deficiency!!!

    thanks for the response....i see like three leaves that look like wht i have...can you elaborate a lil more...thanks again..
  4. bagseedchamp

    need help!!! i think mag deficiency!!!

    thanks for the response....the air is moving pretty good...two oscillating fans one at half strength and the other at full but a lil further back...accurite humidity meter says its abt 60% humidity wich i thought was kool for plants in veg and the temp is abt 72 degrees F, also i figured that...
  5. bagseedchamp

    need help!!! i think mag deficiency!!!

    thanks for the response......soil is ff ocean..
  6. bagseedchamp

    need help!!! i think mag deficiency!!!

    i hope this is better?
  7. bagseedchamp

    need help!!! i think mag deficiency!!!

    hey helping a buddy with a grow...only 3 soil (foxfarm)...curently in week for of veg, nutes introduced in week three(ff big bloom, ff grow big at 1/2 strength. lighting is 250 wtt mh currently on veg cycle timing (18hrs on - 6hrs off) here is where the problem...
  8. bagseedchamp

    need help!!! i think mag deficiency!!!

    anything will help guys....thanks again!!!
  9. bagseedchamp

    need help!!! i think mag deficiency!!!

    hey helping a buddy with a grow...only 3 soil (foxfarm)...curently in week for of veg, nutes introduced in week three(ff big bloom, ff grow big at 1/2 strength. lighting is 250 wtt mh currently on veg cycle timing (18hrs on - 6hrs off) here is where the problem...
  10. bagseedchamp


    so wht ive taken so far is to water less and change pot sizes...using epsom salt for now but need calmag, dont prune or trim, co2 not needed yet....anything else you nice fellows can add?
  11. bagseedchamp


    so if the plant is over waterd, do i go with woody and change pots? mind you all my pots are the same size..
  12. bagseedchamp


    the light is abt a foot away from plants top...
  13. bagseedchamp


    fox farm soil, 1 1/2 tsp growbig and 1 tbs big bloom per gallon every two three days (when ever i touch the top of the soil and its dry)
  14. bagseedchamp


    ok so the ph in all pots is 6.7 run off is abt the same...light is 250 mh current time schedule 18hrs on 6 hrs off...pot sizes 1 gal each..
  15. bagseedchamp


    thanks again as u can see in my username these are all bagseeds....too bad mag cal isn't readily available where i am..but does epsom salt do am ok job? if so do i just mix into my feeding schedule?
  16. bagseedchamp


    thanks canopy level its abt 69 degrees F...
  17. bagseedchamp


    same for the big bloom!
  18. bagseedchamp


    thanks currently using foxfarm big bloom and grow big...for the grow big im using the directions on the bottle cut in instead of a tsp im using 1/2 a tsp per gallon...
  19. bagseedchamp


    and how i can solve the problem..alot of confusing stuff like some say not to use epsom salt some do..some say not to foliar feed some c02 a good thing to use during veg? another question is this...all the plants are indica. kinda bushy and the bottom branches arent getting any...