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  1. TokenTime7070

    How Long for secondary leaves to form?

    Ok i have had my norther lights sprouted for 3 days and the secondary leaves are still tiny little nubs. All that seems to change is the plants stem gets longer and longer and its under a 400w mh so i cant understand why it would stretch so much. The light is about 2 and a half to 2 and a...
  2. TokenTime7070

    Will this work standard or shoudl i modify?

    k thx for the info man
  3. TokenTime7070

    Will this work standard or shoudl i modify?

    I run a 90w led to start and then after they enter veg i switch over to 400w mh and then 400w hps for flower.
  4. TokenTime7070

    Will this work standard or shoudl i modify?

    I have my stuff in a closet with 64 cubic feet but when it get warm i open the door and let the ac in the room the closet is in take care of the heat. That room is closer to 392 cubic feet. So does that mean i have to vent the hole room or just the closet, or sense i have nature and ac for vent...
  5. TokenTime7070

    Will this work standard or shoudl i modify?

    if i get a carbon filter what kind cmf do i need to make it worth while and at the same time be quite enough i wont hear it (i live in an apartment).
  6. TokenTime7070

    Will this work standard or shoudl i modify?

    ok would my alternate idea work i was going to do a DIY with the air purifier and take off the extra filter and just put a nilon with a thin layer of activated carbon like you get for a fish filter and run it like that. Any though on that as a effective odor control? I have seen it done with...
  7. TokenTime7070

    Will this work standard or shoudl i modify?

    Ok so i have a honeywell air purifier and a extra add on pre filter that says it is activated carbon. Should this be enough to filter the smell of 1 northern light's plant or should modify it?
  8. TokenTime7070

    How Much Light for Seedlings?

    Thx man thats a heap of info i am really happy to have ill be trying to go strait soil on my first run i got 3 shots at it one way or another at least.
  9. TokenTime7070

    How Much Light for Seedlings?

    so hang it like 3 and a half feet from the top of the plants? Also another small side question is there any difference between the effectiveness in putting the seeds in a wet papper towel till they pop then plant them vs just planting them in the dirt and waiting for them to pop on there own?
  10. TokenTime7070

    How Much Light for Seedlings?

    OK so i just got 2 northern lights planted and was curious as to how much light you can give new baby plants if there even is a limit. I was hoping to use my 400w MH but if thats to strong i have a 90w ufo led. Any advice from the vets on the herb on this one?
  11. TokenTime7070

    What Strain?

    Ok so i got a room all set and ready to go and was just curious as to what seeds you guys would recommend for a lower and pest/mold resistance?
  12. TokenTime7070

    How far from my 400w hps to put my plant?

    Ok just set it to 12 inches away and then if they don't burn at all ill go to 8 inches the next day. thx for the advice guys. Not sure why but everything i read about hps made me thing they trow all kinds of heat but mine hardly raise the temp in room at all with out vent and just small fan...
  13. TokenTime7070

    How far from my 400w hps to put my plant?

    Ok so i got 1 small plant in flowering and i got a new 400w hps to help it flower now here is that problem i i have done the check with your hand for heat thing to see when it burns but it only really burns my hand at nearly 6 inch from the bulb now this bulb is not cool tube and from what i...
  14. TokenTime7070

    when to fert and crop?

    nvm guys decided the fert it lightly and wait to crop a week or so.
  15. TokenTime7070

    when to fert and crop?

    its in flower week 2 and no fert in soil that would still be there. the new soil has none ans the one from the old pot it was in had some but what was a month ago when i put it in so i take it the plant used most of it by now. Also nearly no dmg just one small branch maybe 4 inch long snap off...
  16. TokenTime7070

    when to fert and crop?

    OK so i just transplanted my girl into a large pot and i was curious if its best to fertilize it should i do it right away or wait a while to let it heal after the transplant also i need to trim her lower branches and should this also be done now or wait and if i should wait then how long? Side...
  17. TokenTime7070

    will this work to hang my 400w hps/mh

    they would fit but the company did not send them with the rest of the order so i have to wait for them to resend a package with them and that will be in another week or so. so till then i was looking for a temp fix sense my girl's are in flower already and were only under a 90w led at the time...
  18. TokenTime7070

    will this work to hang my 400w hps/mh

    No i have not cash nor the ability to set up dock work to vent the room unfortunately. I live in a apartment and the holes in the door and walls along with the sound of one of those 400cmf fans would make it very hard to keep as a stealth grow i am afraid. so for me its open widow in the winter...
  19. TokenTime7070

    will this work to hang my 400w hps/mh

    ill check out the wire the chain wont fit due to the small holes for the hangers to fit in. I would like to use anything steel just so i know it cant melt and fall even more so for when its on and i am not in the house to watch it. Also gana look at trying to find a old steel hanger. Thx for the...
  20. TokenTime7070

    will this work to hang my 400w hps/mh

    those are what i got its the small triangle hangers for the hood i don't have to attack them to my hood is odd it has very small holes to get the hangers into so if the steel is wider then say 2-3 mm its not going to fit. I sent them a massage to replace the missing shit so hopefully i just need...