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  1. TokenTime7070

    Do i got enough light?

    currently its a foot tall and still no smell could be the strain i guess here is what i was thinking would a 125w cfl work for back up lighting if i hang it say 6 inches above the plants? curious how the large wattage lights work as other then the led i have never used anything bigger then a 26w...
  2. TokenTime7070

    Do i got enough light?

    the light is hung over a garbage pale a outdoor one maybe 2-3 square feet to light up i used to have all the inside layered in tin foil but someone on the forum told me that could cook the plant and to remove it so i did. Also got a air filter thingy with a carbon filter to get rid of the smell...
  3. TokenTime7070

    Do i got enough light?

    Ok so i was growing with 6 26w cfl 6400k bulbs and was looking for a better light but was worried about heat problems so a bud of mine said he had a 90w Led ufo i could buy cheap 100$ its by lighthouse hydro and it has the red blue and what appear to be a few whitish leds in the light. so far my...
  4. TokenTime7070

    Will my ballast kill my pc?

    Thanks for the info you guys rock.
  5. TokenTime7070

    Will my ballast kill my pc?

    I am buying a 400w hps kit and it has a magnetic ballast and i was curious if it would dmg or brake a computer about 6 feet away from it?
  6. TokenTime7070

    How good do the led's work?

    I got 200 for lighting i already bough the fan and filter ect.
  7. TokenTime7070

    How good do the led's work?

    Jw what kinda yield should i expect from the led of that wattage and is it true its the lights not the number of plants that dictate the yield you will get more then less?
  8. TokenTime7070

    How good do the led's work?

    Sorry to change the tread but as have not even close to 500$ to invest in a small closet grow i was curious what would be my best bet on a 200$ budget for a decent crop in terms of light?
  9. TokenTime7070

    How good do the led's work?

    shit so the 130-150$ 180w UFO's would not be a good option thats sucks on a small budget (about 200$) and trying to get the most bang for my buck.
  10. TokenTime7070

    How good do the led's work?

    Hi i was looking around and found some ufo 180w led light sets for veg and flowering. I was just curious how they would stand up vs cfl and low watt HID's HPS (250w-400w). I have 1 sometimes 2 plants at a time max so i dont need the huge coverage of a HID and they give of a fuck ton of heat but...
  11. TokenTime7070

    Whats better for cfl grow?

    The problem is finding a hid tat i dont have to buy online i live in a small shit town and by the looks of it the strongest hid i can get at a store around here is 150w with i think 15 000 lumens but cost like 80-90 bucks so i figured id be better of with 2 of the 10 000 or 18 of the 1600 lumens...
  12. TokenTime7070

    Spider Mites

    k i am going to try the pepper spray and hope it gets rid of them.
  13. TokenTime7070

    Spider Mites

    Ok so today i got home checked on my plant and saw lots of little webs at first i though 0 a spider big woop but then i saw lot of these little white specks and it hit me i have fucking spider mites. So here is the question how best to get rid of them with no pesticides?
  14. TokenTime7070

    Whats better for cfl grow?

    Ok i was curious if i am growing 2 plants at a time in a rather large space is it better to have 18 26w 1600 lumen cfl's or 2 125w 10 000 lumen clf's?
  15. TokenTime7070

    Do i got enofe light?

    It would only be 3 lamp sets i put 3 adapters into a power bar and 3 splitters into them so each bar holds 6 of the lights. looks kinda like this but i got 6 per bar instead of 4.
  16. TokenTime7070

    Do i got enofe light?

    I said sorry for the typo in the first post. so maybe you should learn to read before you mock others spelling.
  17. TokenTime7070

    Do i got enofe light?

    no i mean 500real watts 18 26 watt light is 468 (i am gana get 12 or 18 of the 26 watt bulbs and was curious if it would be better heat wise to go with 400w hps or the 18 26 watt cfls? i know lummens hps kills them but its heat i worry about.
  18. TokenTime7070

    Do i got enofe light?

    its a big closet 3 feet wide 4 feet long and 8 feet tall all tin foiled up and i keep the light 6 in 1 power back and the power bars stand up all around the 2 plants in like a triangle pattern. but i ahve none on top of the plants cause they were streching like a bitch. Also side question would...
  19. TokenTime7070

    Do i got enofe light?

    Hi i have a small grow set up with 2 plants at a time and was curious if 12 26w cfl with 1600 lumens each would be ok from veg to flower (i have both 5000k and 2700k color bulbs for flowering and only the 5000k color for veg. Also with this set up could i get even close to 2oz per plant? (sorry...
  20. TokenTime7070

    Is it gana get to warm?

    i think i am gana try for the door mod and just open the door till i can afford the stuff for it thx for all the advice guys.