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  1. TokenTime7070

    How good are 70w hps in closets?

    The title says it all i was looking at getting a large 400w hps but i have heard the heat output is quite high and i have very limited means of cooling it so i was considering getting 2-3 70w hps instead. Also how is the heat output and light penetration of these mini hps bulbs?
  2. TokenTime7070

    Is it gana get to warm?

    deleted post due to repost
  3. TokenTime7070

    Is it gana get to warm?

    no the best i could do it leave the door open for the on time and then close it for the dark period. but i am worried as i use the room its attached to and i am gussing the glare from hps is bad for your eyes at prolonged exposure?
  4. TokenTime7070

    Is it gana get to warm?

    Nizza you are my hero bro fist.
  5. TokenTime7070

    Is it gana get to warm?

    i rent so other then cutting up the door i am pritty fucked in terms of the heat problem um would a 250w bulb have the same problems or would it be able to work in a closed eviroment like that more similar to my cfls that hardly move the temp of the room?
  6. TokenTime7070

    Is it gana get to warm?

    i like the idea of buying a old door but i am brake right now more then less i was wondering if i open the door for a hour or 2 during the lights on cycle of that would be enofe to cool it down the room is liked to a mid size bedroom with lots of windows and in the summer were looking at putting...
  7. TokenTime7070

    Is it gana get to warm?

    Ok so i just bought a 400w hps and was looking at putting it into my closet wich is 3 feet wide 4 feet long and 8 feet tall. Now the problem is the only form of colling in that closet will be 1 stand up fan like you see at wallmart and a air filter system that works abit as a fan and removes the...
  8. TokenTime7070

    how much room for 2 plants

    i know you get bigger buds if you do the tie down method but i dont got anything in the garbage grow to tie them too and the guy i am getting the clones from at 1ft each never trained them to start so i figured if i tried to do it know the stems would most likely jsut brake cause they are too...
  9. TokenTime7070

    how much room for 2 plants

    I currently have 2 1 foot clones in a large 35 gallon garbage can thats about 2-2.5feet across and 3 feet tall i was curious if i start the flowering process now if they could remain in there the entire glow cycle with out the tie down grow tranning methods being used. any input would be great.
  10. TokenTime7070

    How to best mask smell

    ok i bought a honeywell true hepa allergen air filter system and a carbon filter add on sleeve for the filter inside of it should this do the trick or would i be better off with one that ionizes to remove odor but dosent have a carbon filter add on?
  11. TokenTime7070

    How to best mask smell

    I was curious how best to mask the smell of 2 small plants that will soon enter flowering. I am on a tight budget and so far i have 4 slow release air fresheners but am worried once they enter the most odorous stage of growth that i may need something stronger. Now i know about the DIY carbon...