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  1. stvitusdance

    Cluster Bomb/Royal Flush/Liberty Haze/White Widow Gro

    thanks so much JD for following me! i appreciate it! RIU has changed a lot since i started in 2007. i dont know if i will do another journal. i put my last plant, a royal flush, in the dark tonight. i'm glad to shut this grow down because i'm on week 11 and my electric bill is about a...
  2. stvitusdance

    Anyone have plants outdoors flowering yet

    those look good to me!
  3. stvitusdance

    Cluster Bomb/Royal Flush/Liberty Haze/White Widow Gro

    thanks JD. i think you are the only one watching and i appreciate it. i've done a lot of 5 gallon bucket grows and i think this is the biggest root ball out of all of them. that seems like a good thing!
  4. stvitusdance

    Cluster Bomb/Royal Flush/Liberty Haze/White Widow Gro

    I always shake out the dirt from the root system after I harvest just to see how it looks. This is the Royal Flush and it's huge and dense compared to the Cluster Bomb, WW and Liberty Haze. Not sure if that means anything really but it sure LOOKS more developed and healthy.
  5. stvitusdance

    Cluster Bomb/Royal Flush/Liberty Haze/White Widow Gro

    Thanks JD. It's not quite as dry and crinkly as it looks. Those fan leaves started curling up a long time ago. It's nice and sticky and smells wonderful.
  6. stvitusdance

    Cluster Bomb/Royal Flush/Liberty Haze/White Widow Gro

    My little runt auto-ak47 is 28 grams, got an OZ out that little thing! :mrgreen:
  7. stvitusdance

    Cluster Bomb/Royal Flush/Liberty Haze/White Widow Gro

    I need to clean all those fan leaves off but there she is.
  8. stvitusdance

    My first grow

    i think you need to keep an eye on the temps and adjust accordingly. an oscillating fan is good but air exchange is important. remember a plant takes in CO2 and gives off oxygen. I'd go with the 6" inline fan. everybody has different ideas about watering. i have 5 gallon buckets and water...
  9. stvitusdance

    My first grow

    HPS is going to get way more hot than a CFL. I've had a number of high watt CFLs and they get hot for sure but not like a HPS. you can grow from start to finish with a HPS light. Dink is right, it's easy to get 42W CFLs and use them in addition to your big CFL. BUt all things said you're better...
  10. stvitusdance

    My first grow

    get rid of the tin foil first. flat white paint is better. or just order a roll of mylar online. it's cheap. blue (6500k) is good for veg and yellow (2700K) is good for flower. yes good that you are tieing them down if you are concerned about space. how big are your containers and what kind of...
  11. stvitusdance

    Lowryder #2 Auto - main cola issues - HELP!

    you're fine. nothing is wrong. somehow it topped itself. your plant doesn't need to present in that classic xmas tree look to be healthy. i bend and supercrop my plants to keep them bushy so i never have a big main cola anymore.
  12. stvitusdance

    My first grow

    That's kinda the way I started out as well. I just wanted to give it go and see what happened and it actually worked! I think your 150W HPS is going to have way more lumins than your 125W CFL but either way you'll have to deal with the heat. What color/spectrum is your CFL? Good luck!
  13. stvitusdance

    My first grow

    Good luck! It's fun isn't it? My first thoughts are is your closet light proof? Can you get some ventilation in there? It's going to get hot. Are the walls flat white? you can LST and bend and tie down your plants to keep them short and bushy. I can keep mine right around 3 feet. Smell might be...
  14. stvitusdance

    Can any people who actually know what they are talking about answer me this?

    If you're really in highlands ranch you can take a trip over to Tagawa nursery and get some Fox Farm Big Bloom and Age Old Organics nutes. That's what I use other than worm castings and bat guano which you can get there as well. Plus they have good soil as in Fox Farm Ocean Forest and Roots, etc....
  15. stvitusdance

    Cluster Bomb/Royal Flush/Liberty Haze/White Widow Gro

    Thanks JD. Glad you liked the tune! I'm really liking this Nirvana Royal Flush. Thumbs up for sure. It's supposedly a hybrid with a landrace Oaxaca sativa from Mexico. When I was kid getting Oaxacan was a big deal because it was such good smoke. You can't see it in the video but It's very...
  16. stvitusdance

    1st Grow - Autoflower - Nute/Schedule ?'s - Grow Log

    what i mean to say is is all that nute stuff necessary? the more i grow the less i stress about nutes and the less i use. if you have good soil and good water you might not need all those nutes.
  17. stvitusdance

    1st Grow - Autoflower - Nute/Schedule ?'s - Grow Log

    wow! you have put a lot of thought into this! have you bought all those nutes? so sorry i don't mean to be a bummer but is all this necessary?
  18. stvitusdance

    Which and how many leaves do I remove as my plant moves into flowering

    you don't have to chop anything. those bud sites will grow no matter how much light is hitting them. i will tuck the big fans leaves down if they are annoying me but i don't remove them until they are mostly yellow. now if you want to lolipop and get a big main cola that's another deal...
  19. stvitusdance

    cheap nutrients to use for flowering

    how big are your containers? what kind of soil do you have? call me crazy but maybe not use nutes at all? the more i grow the less i use it seems. on the other hand if you can come up with 15 bucks or so get a bottle of FF big bloom and dilute half strength, that should get you through your grow.