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  1. stvitusdance

    The REAL perfect cure everytime

    thanks for the video link! that's awesome. i just ordered a 12 pack of them!
  2. stvitusdance

    Anyone else having trouble with attachments today?

    thanks sunni! i hope the you'll send out a green light when it's fixed.
  3. stvitusdance

    Anyone else having trouble with attachments today?

    Seems like it's trying to upload pictures but when finished I get a red error icon that says something like "500 IO Error Event...type=...Error #2038."
  4. stvitusdance

    *!liberty haze deep cheese lets show <3 1 nother! Suggestions :) one love!*

    Keep in mind I only grew one LH so I'm sure there are other phenos but mine was more fruity - lemony. I used FFOF soil and organics nutes with RO water. I just started curing it so i can't give you a smoke report yet. I was happy with her and the yield but she did take a long time time to flower...
  5. stvitusdance

    Apollo, Hydrofarm, iPower, Virtual Sun.....HPS opinions anyone?

    this is what i got. 150 bucks with a 5 year warranty. free shipping. i like it!
  6. stvitusdance

    Apollo, Hydrofarm, iPower, Virtual Sun.....HPS opinions anyone?

    i have 3 digital and one magnetic. the most noticeable difference is the size and weight. a magnetic ballast is big and heavy. i just bought a 1000 watt magnetic convertible on amazon for less than 200 bucks this summer. i think magnetic will outlive a digital because you can refurb the parts...
  7. stvitusdance

    *!liberty haze deep cheese lets show <3 1 nother! Suggestions :) one love!*

    if you look around on the forums there seems to be quite a few people that have had bad luck with liberty haze: long flower times with low yield especially. i guess i got lucky on my one plant!
  8. stvitusdance

    *!liberty haze deep cheese lets show <3 1 nother! Suggestions :) one love!*

    hi peace, what do you want to know? yes that's one LH plant. first time i have grown any BF strain. i'm impressed with it. haven't smoked any yet though!
  9. stvitusdance

    New to this growing for my medicinal needs. Please male or female. 1st one

    it's hard to tell from your pictures. when did you flip the lights? also it's better to have flat white paint than aluminum foil. or a roll of mylar is dirt cheap on-line.
  10. stvitusdance

    good grow ?'s kinda late in the season to grow outdoors. you'll need to move them inside when it gets frosty out. if you have a nice bright sunny window they might do ok. i'm wondering about light cycle and how they will respond to all this. these are not autoflowers right?
  11. stvitusdance

    good grow ?

    looking good. what kind of light do you have?
  12. stvitusdance

    Defoliation ?

    Sorry, I don't mean to be snarky but is this a new trend or something? Defoliation is news to me. I never remove fan leaves until I'm well into flower and they are turning yellow. I kinda think nature put them there for a reason. Seems to me bud sites grow regardless of how much direct light...
  13. stvitusdance

    Cfl vs hps

    My avatar was a CFL grow in a small 18x18x60 cabinet in a 5 gallon bucket.
  14. stvitusdance

    Defoliation ?

    What is defoliation, I can kinda guess, and why would you do it?
  15. stvitusdance

    strains good for FFOF

    You'll get a lot of opinions on this one. I always use FFOF to some degree or another and personally I don't think it's too hot. I don't start in it but I transplant right into it. It kinda depends on what you are doing, container size, strain of plant, how big of plants you want, etc., but you...
  16. stvitusdance

    can i cut fan leavs?

    leave them alone! they are there for a reason. hard to say when you'll see sex parts. depends on the plant and the lights etc. get a little magnifier and watch for the hairs. there's a pretty significant difference between the female and male "parts" so you'll be able to tell easily.
  17. stvitusdance

    Cluster Bomb/Royal Flush/Liberty Haze/White Widow Gro

    Not bad. I'm happy with that. Very sticky with a nice lemon smell. My fingers are black.
  18. stvitusdance

    Cluster Bomb/Royal Flush/Liberty Haze/White Widow Gro

    Saved the best for last I guess. Now this is more like it. Maybe those 3 days in the dark fattened her up. :hump:
  19. stvitusdance

    Cluster Bomb/Royal Flush/Liberty Haze/White Widow Gro

    thanks JD! i have a dope library too! i think i'll take all that old stuff and make hash out of it. take care!