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  1. stvitusdance

    Cluster Bomb/Royal Flush/Liberty Haze/White Widow Gro

    JD, this is the Bomb Seeds Cluster Bomb plant I started 6 months ago and put outside. Thanks alot for your opinion. I agree..tomorrow I'm putting her in the dark for a few days!
  2. stvitusdance

    Cluster Bomb/Royal Flush/Liberty Haze/White Widow Gro

    thanks a lot clouds! i can't take a bunch of credit for her since the sun did most of the work. at least i kept her alive. she's very sativa-like so the buds are much lighter and fluffier than something like a skunk or train-wreck, so i don't expect a giant harvest. i hope i get 6 oz out of her...
  3. stvitusdance

    Cluster Bomb/Royal Flush/Liberty Haze/White Widow Gro

    Yeah hairs are 50% red/brown i would say. Verticle growth stopped a long time ago. The bud leaves are all yellow or brown. Heck maybe I should put her to bed tonight!
  4. stvitusdance

    Cluster Bomb/Royal Flush/Liberty Haze/White Widow Gro

    i'm going to send some more pictures now with the light and with the light off using the camera flash.
  5. stvitusdance

    Cluster Bomb/Royal Flush/Liberty Haze/White Widow Gro

    Where's the amber! Crazy! I don't see much. I see a little bit in the last two pictures. The plant is basically done. The pistils are brownish now. All the fan leaves are dead. The buds don't seem to be growing much anymore although they are kind of cork-screwing at their tops. She sucks up a...
  6. stvitusdance

    Cluster Bomb/Royal Flush/Liberty Haze/White Widow Gro

    not 100% amber. some people say 25% amber, others say a third. i've always found it kind of hard to pin down the right time, even with the microscope. every strain looks different to me. also some people say if you chop them down early in the harvest window you'll get more a head high smoke and...
  7. stvitusdance

    Cluster Bomb/Royal Flush/Liberty Haze/White Widow Gro

    crazy! this plant is 6 months old! i see maybe a little more milkiness tonight but no amber. all the fan leaves have yellowed and fell off and now it's pretty much just buds and the smaller leaves, which are yellowing fast too. i'm torn between wanting to get this grow over, turn off the 1000...
  8. stvitusdance

    Cluster Bomb/Royal Flush/Liberty Haze/White Widow Gro

    sorry never heard of it! something new to investigate.
  9. stvitusdance

    Cluster Bomb/Royal Flush/Liberty Haze/White Widow Gro

    Yip, the pen was cheap and works like a charm. I had been thinking for all this time that pure filtered water would be superior since i'd be getting rid of all the salts and chlorine and fluorine and what ever other toxic crap that is in it but i guess i've been removing vital minerals as well...
  10. stvitusdance

    Cluster Bomb/Royal Flush/Liberty Haze/White Widow Gro

    I don't know if I mentioned this or not. I've been doing some forum reading and it seems to be a common problem when using RO water to not have enough cal/mag. I'm pretty sure that might be the early yellowing I've noticed this grow. One guy suggested mixing 1/4 tap water back in to one gallon...
  11. stvitusdance

    Cluster Bomb/Royal Flush/Liberty Haze/White Widow Gro

    Thanks for reading Clouds. Are you going to do a journal? Good luck with your grow. Keep us posted how it goes.
  12. stvitusdance

    Cluster Bomb/Royal Flush/Liberty Haze/White Widow Gro

    Hi JD. The beast doesn't smell much at all. If I rub my hands on it smells like lemons. I grew skunk once and boy did it stink! Overpowering really. I could smell it outside my house. Good luck with the dank-fest!
  13. stvitusdance

    Cluster Bomb/Royal Flush/Liberty Haze/White Widow Gro

    Still there JD? Here's tonight picture. I have some more I'll upload.
  14. stvitusdance

    I haven't smoked in 20 years

    ha ha ha, this is a great thread! i remember being 14 and buying four finger bags of mexican weed for 15 bucks! i think pot in general is way better now, a couple of good bong hits instead of and hour of bong hits, but once in a while in the old days we would get some panama red or alcapulco...
  15. stvitusdance

    Another Mold question topic

    i cant really tell from the photo. are you sure it's moldy? but i agree, just cut off the moldy bits and smoke the rest. back in the day, long before people grew their own, we smoked whatever we got, moldy or not. i'm not dead yet. i guess it's up to you. if you have other weed around and it...
  16. stvitusdance

    Stealth grow - STRAINS with the LEAST SMELL during growth?

    don't grow any skunk! i just finished a nirvana royal flush and it didn't have much smell at all. i agree that a simple carbon filter helps a lot if you have the space. i have a really cheap one i got on amazon and it works great.
  17. stvitusdance

    When to prune

    if you want more than one main top cola you can top or FIM or LST. I always use LST, low stress training, it's easy and doesn't stress the plant.