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  1. D

    look like i can pull a quarter from this??

    I'm sure you know this, but it's overwatered.
  2. D

    Any advice for soon to be apartment growers?

    For starters, the 50% figure is pulled from your nether-regions. Second, your inspection premise is entirely false, and most states require that tenants receive 24-hour notice of any intrusions by the landlord. Your lease sure better say that, or else you are a fool for signing it. And you act...
  3. D

    Any advice for soon to be apartment growers?

    "Apartment" is so vague, you might as well say "domicile." Anyone who has told you what to do yet is talking out of their asses, because you have yet to specify so many variables. All we know right now is that you live in a basement apartment (good for many reasons) and that you have people...
  4. D

    A (nearly) successful soil grow under my belt, looking to go 'dro

    Yea, I watched the whole thing on Google Video last night after poking around YouTube a bit, and after browsing hydro journals over the years, I was wondering how contemporary his methods are. One thing that jumped out at me is that he uses a fine, gravelly growing medium in flowering, whereas...
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    A (nearly) successful soil grow under my belt, looking to go 'dro

    So, my first grow came so far, only to die very late: After a year of mourning, I'm ready to give it another shot. I think hydro...
  6. D

    Buying seeds online? BEWARE... somthing you might want to read

    Yet DEA raids in Cali continue. * *
  7. D

    Buying seeds online? BEWARE... somthing you might want to read

    Heard of an x-ray? They'd just throw it on the conveyor belt with all the other shit. It'd probably look pretty obvious if your package was already flagged for such inspection.
  8. D

    Seven weeks to grow, ten seconds to kill

    For sure. On the bright side, I've learned a lot from this grow, and the genetics were far from special. I think this is really an outdoor strain and it probably needed to veg for another month or two to reach its potential. The next setup I've planned out is sick...SOG for sure. One 6' cabinet...
  9. D

    Seven weeks to grow, ten seconds to kill

    I'll be going back to that store tomorrow to give them a piece of my mind. This guy does not deserve his job. If you don't know, just say you don't know.
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    Seven weeks to grow, ten seconds to kill

    Well, it was a nice run for my first grow, but it's come to an abrupt end. Bought some insecticide today to use on a rather minor spider mite problem (picked it up while getting other supplies), going on the advice of the guy in the garden store that the stuff would kill the insects and be safe...
  11. D

    Why does pot smell?

    Generally speaking, plants emit a fragrance to either attract or ward off animals. But I've never seen a bee on a weed plant, so who knows what the exact aim is.
  12. D

    12/12 questions

    If you want to keep it in the dark, why not just bring it inside for however long? If you do cover it, I'd think you'd want to use some sort of fabric so it could breathe easy.
  13. D

    Buying seeds online? BEWARE... somthing you might want to read

    Leave the ad hominem at home next time. Seems like you also don't know what the fuck "entrapment" means.
  14. D

    Buying seeds online? BEWARE... somthing you might want to read

    It's time for a change, and not the type of bullshit Fauxbama change we've seen thus far. Either way, I'm getting out of this fucked up country sooner than later. I've got the world to see and thank god my skills are portable.
  15. D

    Wet fuking weed

    I disagree. This is not the wild west and everyone involved wants this to become legit some day. Face it, both we and this cheapskate are on the same side of this struggle. I'd ask for a refund, and if I didn't get it, do everything possible to steer business away from this guy. I mean, it's...
  16. D

    Is my plant Wasting energy healing itself?

    That's true, and it can be good for inter-node light penetration. However, if you're just talking about growth and you know how to LST the plant to get good light penetration regardless, 24/0 is the way to go. This is why farmers are able to grow preposterously large produce in Alaska and other...
  17. D

    Odor Control- need someone with experience

    I mean that the only air entering the room should be via intake, and the only air exiting via exhaust.
  18. D

    anyone use this befor?

    That's a good business model. Sell sugar water at $85/L to customers who can't out you for fear of drawing attention to their operation.
  19. D

    Is my plant Wasting energy healing itself?

    I'm afraid you're misinformed. Straight from the horse's mouth:
  20. D

    CFL grow w/ mollasses.

    My understanding is that you only introduce molasses late in flowering, to increase bud volume and density.