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  1. D


    One month old as of tomorrow. Really coming along well...started tying them down for fuller growth and because they're getting tall for my setup. The small plant's mostly an experiment since it got started late and has had problems from the start. Oh, and a pic of what I'm puffin on.
  2. D


    Just about four weeks old now, and both plants are doing great. The lighting is a little different in the two photos, but they're the same color (darker in room lighting, lighter in direct light...looks like the second one got the flash better). The grow box, modified to stage 2, doesn't...
  3. D


    24 days old...
  4. D


    Haha you know you've been chiefin when you tell someone to follow your grow after they posted there.
  5. D

    albino weed?

    Ku klux kush...that's some funny shit.
  6. D


    Thanks, tryin to set the record for least followed successful grow on RIU :)
  7. D

    Flowering opinions?

    When should I flower? I've heard that varying nodes are one sign, and that pre-flowers are another (the latter is pretty obvious). I've had this indica going for three weeks to the day and it's looking very good, but I'm not sure when I'll flower... Here's my lil diary...
  8. D


    Update: Three weeks old now and looking much better. Can't wait to smoke these!
  9. D

    15 bagseed grow in beer pong cups 12/12 from seed

    You have no idea how much you're IDing yourself. Stay safe dude.
  10. D


    They've perked up considerably since the transplant and have only been watered twice since. The droopiness was actually due to them being rootbound and soaking up all their water instantly in the old small pots...I'll have to fish up a link to the topic in the Problems board (the soil was bone...
  11. D

    Black Berry Grow. DWC

    Isn't Blackberry an outdoor variety?
  12. D


    The two main plants are doing much better now. Looks like they fully got over the shock of being transplanted.
  13. D

    When to flower?

    Same question, for these guys: This box will be over 3' tall in the end, and these are very short plants. Truth is I'd rather flower sooner than later (to be rewarded for my efforts), especially because I don't want to veg them forever...
  14. D


    I'm using foil right now which I understand is not a very good option. I tried spray-painting these Rubbermaids with white primer when I got started, but it didn't stick at all and in the end became a fine powder. Is there a type of paint that will work adhere to plastic? Or should I be using...
  15. D


    18 days old now...looking droopy but I hear that's normal for indica. Transplanted em a couple days ago because one was getting rootbound. How do they look? And how long should I continue vegging them?
  16. D

    What's wrong with my droopy plant?

    Root-bound which explains why it was drying up so quickly. Transplanted both and watered 'em, follow my journal to see how it goes...
  17. D

    What's wrong with my droopy plant?

    For comparison, I've attached two images. The one that is drooping was kicking ass before and was the more upright of the two. I'm not overwatering; if anything I underwatered this plant a bit over the past few days (could it be that?). Both plants are two weeks old. This plant's growth seems to...
  18. D


    Another day, another update.
  19. D

    Broad leaves?

    Given the growth rate thus far (and common sense), how long should I typically wait before switching from 24/0 to 12/12? They're not even two weeks old (12 days old).
  20. D

    Broad leaves?

    Perfect, I use it as sleep medication.