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  1. plantvision


    Cannibis420 you have done a super great job on this thread. It does not matter what time of day I post, within minutes sometimes seconds you respond. What a truley great thread and have really enjoyed it and look forward to enjoying it more. Again GREAT WORK. plantvision.. bummed I cant...
  2. plantvision


    What I used this year is 1 1/2" peat pots, you can fit 98 into a 11 x 22 std flat, but finding out those are a little small and tend to dry out to quick. Prior years I used the 2" peat pots, I add potting soil, moisten the soil, then sprinkle seeds on the whole flat of pots, very very lightly...
  3. plantvision

    Way too much rain

    My outdoor plants have been getting rain almost everyday. All the new top growth is extremely yellow and quite a few are dead. Not sure if this is too much water or is it possibly a chemical residue in my farm land What ever it is it sucks, alot of work and money down the drain. Any...
  4. plantvision

    I'm out of green :(

    Them dam stoner cats, well at least somebody enjoyed it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. plantvision

    Life Is....

    Life is great, it took me some 40 plus years to fiqure out how to enjoy life. Would not change anything that happened in my life because it got me where I am today. Life is made to be enjoyed, there are a lot of pitfalls outthere just waiting to pull you down. The trick is only picking up...
  6. plantvision


    Benzos cant kill you, I think your mistaken about that. Withdrawls can kill you too, extreme chance for siezures, this is why they have medical watch for benzo withdrawls.
  7. plantvision

    250 plant grow hel needed

    Ok I hear your optimisim, not long ago I knew of somebody just like this, namely myself. I was a dreamer, counting my cash, thinking big. Number one, that kind of operation takes a shit pot of labor Number two, you have screwed up allready by posting your intentions of such a large grow, your...
  8. plantvision

    SuMMer Festivals and Parties 2011

    Not a festival but going to be a hell of a party, especially since I am a huge ZZ Top fan. Anybody close, check it out, would be kinda neat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Events & Entertainment Gaming Magic Player’s Club Hotel Dining Golf Convention Center ZZ Top Friday...
  9. plantvision

    The Direct Route To Marijuana Legalization

    I do like some of R.P. stances especially legalization, but just being President I do not think will insure legalization. I do not think he will stand a chance though, to cutting edge. Everybody wants a President that tows the line. Stupid cattle.
  10. plantvision

    Democrats Started the Ku Klux Klan

    So do you think that the Democrat party stands for or supports the KKK now? There may have been ties to it, do not really know, but I suspect there is not anymore. By the way you must hate Native Americans because you are descended from our elders that came to America, right.
  11. plantvision


    Benzo withdrawls SUCK, and can be quite dangerous, The last time I was under medical care for a week. Body functions really get screwed up and I just feel horrible.
  12. plantvision


    Hgih, I realize your fight, as I am a great fan of valium. I always said I would use them only for certain times, certain times just keeped getting closer and closer togethor. While you have it in your mind, just hurry up and flush them. Tough to do, I probably would end up failing...
  13. plantvision

    [NEWS] - Asteroid to pass extremely close (7,500 miles away) to Earth on Monday

    Now lets analyze this a bit. They have been searching for near miss asteroids constantly. Here we have an asteroid the size of a tour bus that they just discovered of June 22, so if it had been a direct hit we would have had a whole 5 days to prepare.
  14. plantvision

    Anonymous: "The Plan" Is Now Live. Phase 1: Initiated. War Against The System.

    Okay so your going to rally a few thousand people that get all whipped up in hysteria and start rioting, only to be crushed by the military. Like any movement or idea you first need to start with a sound foundation. As Ghandi said "Be the change you want to see in the world" So do you want...
  15. plantvision

    Here's One For Ya.

    Look at the energy you have burned on this ordeal, negative energy that has been running through you and making you more and more upset. I do agree with you that it is not right, but one must understand that life is not always going to be fair. Just let it go, maybe this is the kick that you...
  16. plantvision

    Miracle Grow Love It Or Hate It?

    Nice list, I am going to have to pick your brain in the future if that is okay. I just love Orchids, but cannot seem to raise them, I get them they bloom and then NOTHING. I am a farmer, master gardener wanna be, you sound like the life I would like. But I am enjoying farming immensly too.
  17. plantvision

    Miracle Grow Love It Or Hate It?

    Nice mix. I am going to have to give this a try. I use MG for the start, but then have always relied on just good old manure till I do final transplant. As I am an outdoor grower, once I transplant I use dry 46-0, 11-52, AMS; liquid 10-34, chelated zinc. Then I sit back and watch till they...
  18. plantvision

    Can I fly with an unused bong in my check on bag?

    Unused there is nothing that they can say. NOTHING. They may check through your other luggage a little closer though. So what if they pull you into interogation, have fun with it, screw with there heads. But if it was me, sending by insured mail would be the only way. Is there a reason you do...
  19. plantvision

    What If We Stopped Giving A Fuck About Slutty Politicians?

    This is so true if you are not prepared for wealth and power it can lead you to your worse vice without you even knowing it. Anyway OP, I do believe we as a society for some reason have made sex a bad thing something to be ashamed of. It is something that we must not tell other people about...
  20. plantvision

    About Those Beliefs You're Ashamed of Holding..

    Exactely "Faith is a lack of defense", you do not defend Faith, because there is no reason to, you have complete belief in it, there is no reason to defend it.