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  1. plantvision

    STONED?...What Music You Gonna Listen To Stoner

    I am a old heavy rocker, but I heard this sound before and just cannot get enough of it.
  2. plantvision

    Positive Examples Of Humanity!

    Have not heard lately, how are things going. I can just look up your thread, have you been posting on it.
  3. plantvision

    Just My Thoughts

    I kinda thought that, because from what I know of you that first post did not sound like you. This one does, we must do everything possible at all times to combat evil.
  4. plantvision

    Positive Examples Of Humanity!

    I just did that last night, but it was a 25 pound+ snapper. It had just got done laying eggs so it was quite docile. Grabbed by the tail and drug her done to the water. Usually would not bother her, but my dog was trying to get his leg snapped off.
  5. plantvision

    I'm new!!!

    Welcome, not much help here, more of an outdoor grower. But if you growing in soil I can help. Good Luck and remember the more info on what you want the better.
  6. plantvision

    Just My Thoughts

    My friend the world is not disgusting, there are many forces at work that may make it resemble that though. The world is beautiful, if one looks at only the bad then that is what he will see. It is just a matter of your perspective. Even in the most horrid squaller, the beauty of a flower...
  7. plantvision

    Help Please!

    If you will, draw me what peaceful means to you, intergrated into what you would like to see mankind be.
  8. plantvision

    Just My Thoughts

    Well I understand your place, and no you are not going crazy. But you are standing on a very pivotal position in your life, tread lightly, do not make quick moves, think things through. I understand this because I remember going through it. Taking time and moving through it slowly you can...
  9. plantvision

    The FSA Free Shit Army Is Gonna Get Violent

    The only good life style. Hard work and you are your own boss. Time to go fishing. Fresh air.........YEAH. I'll be a farmer till I die too. And when this country implodes I will be able to take care of myself and my family. When they were talking about the FSA, I thought they meant the...
  10. plantvision

    What Is Sin?

    Sin I believe is something that holds us back from greater understanding, or hurts another person. I believe that God wants us to lead a awesome, fun filled life, but at times we do things that hold us back from doing this, that is sin. It doesn't have to be something that is only...
  11. plantvision

    Shulgin Index Book :)

    Nice work Cann. Hey I got another 10 flats started, maybe your going to have to fly up here and see the plantation. Somehow I feel somewhat safer posting about it on an off thread. My first 5 flats turned out okay, heavy pounding rains took its toll, but ended up with 300 to 400. Hopefully...
  12. plantvision

    Dream Time Roots

    I am going to put my order in on Monday, will report back when used, look forward to hearing back trip reports from everybody also.........
  13. plantvision

    Fucking Sexy Bitches In Yoga Pants

    I am sorry for this comment, but I would love to see the yoga in "just panties". Man, kinda got me wound up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. plantvision

    please pass on the miracle gro

    Never against you, always with a fellow grower. May have different opinions though.
  15. plantvision


    I have no idea if there is energy in positive and negative thoughts. But we just dont know one way or the other. Some people say it is a bunch of crap, how do they know. It is the same for the people that believe in positive energy, how do they know. But I do know I would like to error on...
  16. plantvision

    Dream Time Roots

    Been searching but cannot find anything. Any luck by anybody else.
  17. plantvision


    I start them in 1 1/2 square peat pots 98 per flat that way I can control the temps and keep them moist long enough for germination. Then transplant with in a week of seeing plants, you do not want to see roots coming out the walls of the peat pots, as poppies are poor transplanted if roots...
  18. plantvision


    One of the issues I have noticed also is when you cut vertical is when the latex flows it builds up and runs off. Horizontal cutting tends not to run off. I think I will do a trial on the two, take 15 to 20 pods sliced horizontal and the same vertical and see what the difference is.
  19. plantvision

    I would like to say.

    No need to say sorry, I always say if you don't know then ask, there are no dumb questions. Some people on here get quite grouchy when asking questions that they think you should know. Not with me, I love communicating in all questions. Poppies are a flower, latin name papaver sominefoures...
  20. plantvision

    I would like to say.

    Check out the sticky by Darth in the Haulicinitory Section. Really excellent, all the info you need on shrooms.