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  1. mountaindude530

    Co2 Perfection

    Just ahead of time I wanna say, if it ain't broke don't fix it.. but just a little bit of info.. using co2 during the veg state causes the plants to stretch and stay skinny.. which may not be a problem if you only veg for like a week or something.. but it's just something to keep in mind...
  2. mountaindude530

    Co2 Perfection

    I've found soo many differing opinions on co2, some that I strongly disagree with, I wanted to see if we could all put in 2 cents and find some commonground.. EVERYONE'S opinion is welcome, go ahead and post up Here's mine: Optimal level= 1500 pps which means a 1200 ppm increase (.0012 x...
  3. mountaindude530

    Want Bag Appeal? Curing Matters

    Just wanted to show props to this thread.. your the man, no one could have put this better +rep
  4. mountaindude530

    Can anyone recomend a great place to get lights and hydro gear online.....

    I bought a few things from htg on ebay.. they're pretty good.. quick shipping and decent products.. the best is to try and find a local hydroponics shop, but I know not every place has one.. which is crazy cause my town has like 2or 3 within a 5 mile radius haha.. there's a lot of us I guess...
  5. mountaindude530

    F@*K F#@k F@*K ..MOULD

    So I've never in my experience ever heard of mold spreading that quickly dude.. chances are that it was already there and just spread once it got some fresh oxygen to set it off depending on how much bud is there.. you can freeze it and it may get rid of the mould (VERY RISKY) but your...
  6. mountaindude530

    When to Harvest??8 Sour Diesels 1st Time Grow, 9weeks & 5 days, 1000w

    yeah those look really good man.. diesel is a 9 week strand.. my buddy swears by that strand and that's all he grows (I don't blame em it's bomb).. but yeah his stuff is usually finished around day 67 or 68.. just keep checkin the hairs for them to be brownin and curlin in a bit.. good job man,
  7. mountaindude530

    Cheap and easy Co2

    oh and in response to 'LION'.. the co2 does not lower the temps of the room.. as you guessed it just helps the plants tolerate higher temperature
  8. mountaindude530

    Cheap and easy Co2

    If you want a cheap and effective way to inject co2, this is the ticket. The baking soda and vinegar works but yeast is muuuch better. The reason is because yeast is actually a living organism:shock:; when it's placed in water with sugar present, it becomes anaerobic and feeds off the glucose...
  9. mountaindude530

    Hotter At Night

    Yea see the thing is that I live in a place that's really cold, the winter hits here a little quicker than anywhere else (it's already been snowing here for a week or so). Since the op is somewhat outdoors the temp reaches like 40's- 50's when the light isn't on. The heater can't be adjusted...
  10. mountaindude530

    Back To Basics

    So I decided that I'm going to do this room in stages so that I can harvest more often and Let more light get to the outside plants. I chopped down two of the plants and prunned a few branches off the third to get myself some clones. I Left the fourth one (the biggest and beefiest :lol:)...
  11. mountaindude530

    Hotter At Night

    So I wanna get a quick poll on this 'cause I've never really had this problem. I use the light (1000w) to keep the room warm during the "daylight" period and then I have a heater come on during "dark" when the light is off, but if keeps it a little warmer. It's about 72-73 with light on and...
  12. mountaindude530

    What Nutes do you use?!

    HOUSE & GARDEN NUTRIENTS from VAAN DE ZWAAN Man I never hear ANYONE on here using these nutrients.. but where I'm from, if your good, this is what you use.. I know it's relatively new but jesus, people are really missing out.. They have it for soil or HYDRO, their hydro is the shit.. I...
  13. mountaindude530

    60 Plant NFT System!

    oh and i forgot, about the vegging.. my buddy keeps his baby's real real short cause he has about 4 per square foot in a SOG setup.. anyways, you can pop the clones straight into the cubes with no veg time to make things quicker.. just give em enough time in the starter cubes to make a solid...
  14. mountaindude530

    60 Plant NFT System!

    for sure.. sounds prime dude, make sure you keep the veg time short for em then since your keeping em so small.. i'd prolly top em when they're young too.. maybe even twice... thats what i did when i had a SOG and it seems like this is pretty similar.. best of luck.. oh and keep a close eye on...
  15. mountaindude530

    Al B. FAQt

    Hey Al, couple questions for you.. I read in one of your very previous posts that you use a fluorescent uv ionizer to counteract odors.. How well does it work?? Is it more efficient than a carbonair filter?? I was looking for alternatives in an attempt to save space.. Also, I've read a post...
  16. mountaindude530

    when to start trimming fan leaves?

    Alright.. this debate will never end cause there's always going to be that person that cut the leaves off and still did fine.. which is cool, cuz it worked for them.. Let me tell you though.. if you cut off the fan leaves YOUR CUTTING OFF THE POWERHOUSE OF THE PLANT! and you will decrease your...
  17. mountaindude530

    leaves getting yellowish sections also when should replant?(pics)

    one of two things.. the yellow spots can either mean a nitrogen deficiency.. or 2: can mean that your nutrient burning your plants?? been giving em fertilizer??? anyways fix that first.. you want to replant when the sprout has a reeal nice tap root (the big one that forms straight down) and a...
  18. mountaindude530

    Back To Basics

    So I have to admit I made the highly dissapointing mistake of Nutrient burning my little girls after I put em' in the 6X6's. :-(:wall: :-( No one should ever make that mistake. But if you do here's how it happend and how I fixed it. The root system was already solid.. I had about a 4.5 to 5...
  19. mountaindude530

    Back To Basics

    So Here's the deal.. I used to grow a good amount of pot.. I went and got a house with a huge 20X20 foot room and lined it with mylar and ducting.. I had a few 1000's on rail movers and a sea of green in a couple ebb & flow trays with about 100 or so plants under co2... and so on and so on.. It...
  20. mountaindude530

    Which is cooler, 250w hps vs 300w cfl's??

    hey.. i had a similar problem.. what i did to solve it (inexpensively) was freeze big cups of water, so that they were larger cubes and didn't melt as quickly.. and placed them in an open cooler/lunchbox thing and put a fan blowing over the top of them.. lowered the temperature 7 degrees no...