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  1. W

    Nutrient help

    You should get unsulfur molasses and use 1 teaspoon per gallon.
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    Big Island Guerilla Grow school & Interrogation Center

    Mahalo Puna Buds for your reply. I have been only using bagseed or clones before but this year I decide to order some seeds and just wanted to find strains that can handle the rain and humidity. I have DNA Lemon Skunk so I will try that along with Vanilla Kush and LSD.
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    Best Yield Outdoors: Natural, LST, Topping?

    Which of the following: Natural, LST, Topping will give the greatest yield outdoors?
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    Volck Oil

    Has anyone used Volck Oil on the plants? Would this be a good idea?
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    Who's battling root aphids?!

    Has anyone used Spectracide Traizicide Once and Done Insect granules to control root aphids? It contains Gamma Chyalorthrin and non systemic.
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    Black spots?

    I also forget to mention that this is an outdoor grow.
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    Black spots?

    As far as I can tell they are not moving. They look like they are either black scales or black spots growing inside the leaf. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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    Black spots?

    What do black spots on the underside of the lower leafs? Is this mites?
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    Big Island Guerilla Grow school & Interrogation Center

    Puna Bud I was wondering what strains have you have sucess with your outdoor grows?
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    Attitude and Fraudulent Charges

    Order seeds on 4/9 for the special and just found out today that there was several attempts to use my Credit Card in the UK. I was going to use my card and it was declined so I went home and called my credit card company and found out that several attempts to use my card in the UK was declined...
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    Pro-Mix BX vs Sunshine Mix

    Which is better? Pro-Mix cost $38 versus $31 for Sunshine Mix, which would you buy?
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    Soil Mix?

    Thanks for the suggestions. I will go ahead and add another cubic feet of perlite. I used to use just plain Pro-Mix but after reading other post about soil mixes I thought that I should add some compost and just wanted some advice about how much to use ofeach. Thanks again for the replies.
  13. W

    Soil Mix?

    Would this soil mix good or am I using to much compost? 1 3.8 cu ft Pro-Mix 1 3 cu ft Gardner Bloome Organic Compost (forest humus, chicken manure, earth worm casing, bat guano, gypsum, kelp meal, oyster shell, lime and dolomite, and mycorrhizae) 1 cu ft Perlite #3 size
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    Hawaii Growers

    RIP I just hope that this doesn't have a negative impact for our blue card resident.
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    Hawaii Growers

    Where do you buy the Hanna pen from?
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    Hawaii Growers

    I live in Puna on catchment, so I get my water in Hilo fom work. Can't use catchment water for the ladies since the PH is to low.
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    Hawaii Growers

    I know where CD Wizard is but not Ohana Garden. Is Ohana Garden in the same building as Sputniks and Affordable Catering? Mahalo, Waiakeauka
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    Hawaii Growers

    Aloha Puna Buds, I live in Puna so I hope somewhere in Hilo or Keaau would carry reverse. Mahalo Waiakeauka
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    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    UB is deeper or wider pots better to increase yield outdoors? Thanks for all your advice and infomation, I really appreciate all your help. Thank you UB!
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    Best Yields Outdoors: Natural, LST, Topping, Fimming, or Supercroping?

    Looking to maximize my yields outdoors and wanted fellow forum members experiences or opinions.