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    No more green harvest in hawaii county

    Hawaii County stop accepting Federal Grants for marijuana eradication but the DEA and State DLNR still fly eradication operations.
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    Is Superthrive worth the money? Has anyone did a side by side comparison using and not using Superthrive? Does Superthrive increase yields and potency? Does it affect the taste?
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    Hawaii Growers

    What is the price + shipping on Amazon?
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    Calcium Carbonate vs Dolomite?

    Thanks for the information. I will use Dolomite since it also contains magnesium unlike Calcium Carbonate which is just calcium.
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    Calcium Carbonate vs Dolomite?

    What is the difference between Calcium Carbonate and Dolomite? Which is better to use? I have always used dolomite before but I notice that the Calcium Carbonate was half the price of Dolomite.
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    Touchet's Perpetual Garden

    Nice grow. Can't wait to see your harvest.
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    3 weeks old should i dose them with some nutes?

    Use 1/2 teaspoon for 1 gallon water. You can increase the amount you use later once you can confirm that your plants are strong enough.
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    SuperThrive questions

    How much does Superthrive affect the PH? For example if my water is 6.8 what is the PH be after adding Superthrive?
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    1st topping attempt

    Under UB topping method for 4 tops, you needed to top the plant above the 2nd true node from the bottom to the top. If you counted 2 nodes from top down then you will have 2 tops.
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    5 gallon bucket question.

    Use styrafoam chunks, it is lighter than stones.
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    Is Miracle Grow really the devil???

    Puna Bud can you post your tea recipe on the forum. Mahalo!
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    Fan Leaves Budding

    Thanks for the picture. I have never seen that before.
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    O.G kush With Pics

    Looks nice especially for a regrowth.
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    12 hour old cuttings turning hermie?

    Sorry but I can't get good pics with my cellphone. I will try and borrow my friends camera to get some pics.
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    12 hour old cuttings turning hermie?

    Just did the UB topping technique about 12 hours ago and have the cuttings sitting in water and now I see balls forming. Could cuttings turn hermie in water? I had them in the room all day and now have them under lights. Could it be that the water made them hermie? Out of the 4 cuttings, 2 of...
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    20 gallon pot or 20 gallon garbage can?

    Thanks for the infomation! I will go ahead and get the pots since wider is better and best of all it's cheaper and more durable.
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    20 gallon pot or 20 gallon garbage can?

    I was hoping that someone on the forum already knew the answer. Is it against forum rules to ask a question?
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    20 gallon pot or 20 gallon garbage can?

    The 20 gallon cost $6.40 and the 20 gallon garbage can cost $11.94. I should also add that the plastic on the garbage can is a thinner then the pots and the pots will last longer then the garbage cans.
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    20 gallon pot or 20 gallon garbage can?

    Is the grow bag strong enough to carry and move the plant without tearing.
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    20 gallon pot or 20 gallon garbage can?

    Which would you use for your outdoor grow, 20 gallon pots or 20 gallon garbage can? The pot is wider and the garbage can is deeper. Which one would you choose?