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    420 Promo

    Does anyone know what kind of 420 promo is Attitude, Nirvana, or other seedbanks going to offer?
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    The Attitude - Before Making Your Purchase

    What is the code for RIU members to get the 10% discount?
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    some simple but effective home remedies for pest control

    How do you use the cucumber peels?
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    Has anyone tried to use Triazicide? If not then what is the best solution to rid my plants of all the pest and how far from harvest can I use them?
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    I am having a bad summer with mites, white flies, fungus gnats, beetle borer, caterpillars, thrips, and root maggots with my outdoor grow. I have been using neem oil with not much success planning to use triazicide to kill the bugs. How far from harvest would it be considered safe to spray the...
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    Hawaii Growers

    What did you use to kill the larvae? Is it ok to shoot insecticide into the hole to kill the larvae? Aloha and Mahalo
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    Hawaii Growers

    Aloha, Has anyone have problems with an insect boring holes into the stem and killing that branch? I want to know what I can use to kill the bug and stop having holes in my stem.
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    Branch with small hole and dying?

    I have several branches that are dying but it seems there is a hole in the stem from a bug on insect. Is there a bug that bores holes in the stem and kills the plant? If there is a bug that bores holes what is the best way to kill the bugs so they dont ruin anymore of my plants?
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    Barneys Farn LSD?

    I am growing outdoors with full sun so light shouldn't be any problem.
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    Barneys Farn LSD?

    My LSD was started on April 20 and is growing in a 20 gallon pot but it is less than 2 ft tall? Is this normal? I also started the Super Lemon Haze and Pineapple Chunk on the same day and they are both 5 and 6 ft tall. Could I have gotten a bad seed? Or are all the LSD plants small plants with...
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    Hi-Yield Lime vs. Dolomite Lime???

    Most brands of lime has a Oregon Lime Score on the bag, and the higher the score is better then a lower score.
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    Tiger Stripes on Seeds?

    Thanks for the quick reply. So the seeds that I have ordered from Attitude are actually not mature as they could have been since they don't have tiger stripes?
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    Tiger Stripes on Seeds?

    Does the tiger stripes on seeds indicate a sativa or indica strain? Or does the tiger stripes mean that the seed is more mature?
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    Flowering Nutrients?

    Thanks for the information. I will use 2/3 10-30-10 to 1/3 Kmag.
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    How much honey do you add to a gallon of water? Also when do you use the honey? During veg, flower, flush?
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    Best outdoor strain

    Did you grow your SLH in the ground or pots? If pots, what size pots did you use or how big of a hole did you dig in the ground? Also did you start inside or outside from seed or clone?
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    Liquid Light Outdoors?

    Has anyone used Liquid Light outdoors? Is it a good idea since the sun is much stronger then artifical lights? If it's good to use what time of day is it best to use? Please also remember that I live in Hawaii where the UV index is over a 10 daily.
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    Where to Get clone root hormone?

    Can you also substitute honey instead of molasses for a carb boost?
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    what flower nutes are you using in soil?

    Did you get a little stretching from to much nitrogen?
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    Has anyone used honey as nutrient? Honey is a more natural form of carbohydrates then molasses since it doesent need to be refined.