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  1. nathenking

    ~TGA's Plush Berry and CheeseQuake~

    Oh yeah, they are looknig healthy man... cant wait to see this ladies have sum big titty buds on them!
  2. nathenking

    "Mn Growers Unite" 2011

    Hey MN boys, i was wondering what good outdoors cost in MN. price/pound
  3. nathenking

    2010 Revised Super Soil Recipe

    if you really want to know how it works, start by getting a degree in biology or horticulture, then search all the electronic data bases for soil information, due a research review article and then have it published. then you will know. or better yet, buy a botany book, read it and start there...
  4. nathenking

    2010 Revised Super Soil Recipe

    Whatever man, dont get so butt hurt... All the information you need is right here in this thread or in the forum. if you take the time and read it, you wont have to ask questions. So many people want everything done for them these days. Figure it out for yourself, Figure out what works for you.
  5. nathenking

    Subcools soil recipe

    do yourself a favour and follow the recipe man, it will save time/energy and money in the long run
  6. nathenking

    Organic Soil Taste vs Hydro Taste

    I would say that organic tastes better over synthetic anyday... Wether it be organic soil or organic hydro, it usually tastes better IMO.
  7. nathenking

    Pandora's Box, Querkle, Dairy Queen in Super Soil

    Great update, they are looking so tasty brother!
  8. nathenking

    Blue Mountain Grow Room (pics)

    im pretty sure he runs AN, i think that extra fluro is for right before the big girls go into bloom not sure on how many watts hes runnin in veg, prob like 2500 or so
  9. nathenking

    ~TGA's Plush Berry and CheeseQuake~

    nice man... sub'd for this one!
  10. nathenking

    My Montana Medical Grow

    love the journal man... Im sub'd!
  11. nathenking

    Plush Berry Picture Thread

    i would like to know this as well...
  12. nathenking

    Blue Mountain Grow Room (pics)

    Insulated, water ran in, electrical ran in. i think its like 16 x 30something if i can remeber correctly...
  13. nathenking

    Blue Mountain Grow Room (pics)

    that is a unknown purp strain gifted from a homie
  14. nathenking

    Blue Mountain Grow Room (pics)

    hes runnin 4000 watts in the bloom room
  15. nathenking

    Blue Mountain Grow Room (pics)

    Here is a very good friend of mines new set up... If only I could get down like this
  16. nathenking

    Pandora's Box, Querkle, Dairy Queen in Super Soil

    Your plants are looking very nice and healthy MS... Cant wait to see how they turn out!