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  1. M

    Please help! 2 weeks old and sign of problems again!

    one more question. do you think that 15 days old plant is in the right age for first small ammount of nutes? how often afterwards you woul fertilize again? every watering as bottle says or once a week?
  2. M

    Please help! 2 weeks old and sign of problems again!

    ok. but what is the cause? What am I doing wrong? The things like that wont come up without reason and I want to find it and avoid it. It comes to main question. Shall I continoe with nutes and slowly rise the ammount or not. i know I might be bit irritating, but man, I don't want to throw away...
  3. M

    Please help! 2 weeks old and sign of problems again!

    I just checked the plants again and I am sure it's not a spill on leaves. I am usually careful with that i just spilled little bit last time but I know wher. And after I checked i know that those spots are on diferent places. Also, they are quite grey in the middle and on the edges of some of...
  4. M

    Please help! 2 weeks old and sign of problems again!

    well, thanks mate. I'll see how it goes. Ph is corect 6.5, and it has got nutes just once in it short life, so I wont panic and I wont flush. I'll give them nutes in next couple of days and see how it goes. I'll keep posting.
  5. M

    Please help! 2 weeks old and sign of problems again!

    I was thinking the same. I might happened. But when it comes with those yelow leaves I started to be worried and I thought I'll ask for help. I use 24/7 lights so i can't water them at dark shal I give them bit of a darkness every day? Could it be heat stress as I have quite a high temperature...
  6. M

    Please help! 2 weeks old and sign of problems again!

    well, maybe I allready read too much :) that's why I am worried. Yellowing plants wouldn't bother me, but those spots are alarming. and also the speed they appeared. now I dont know if I should rise the amount of nutes or wait with them for bit longer. Here's couple more detailed pictures.See...
  7. M

    Please help! 2 weeks old and sign of problems again!

    just to add some info. It is a worm growdrobe, about 29C and it's painted white. Air flow provided and light is suplied by 400W MH lamp.
  8. M

    Please help! 2 weeks old and sign of problems again!

    hi there. could anyone help me please. These plants are 16 days old. they looked ok till now, maybe they are little bit too green, which is dificult to see from photos. But 2 days ago they developed a few small spots and today it got worse, plus bottom leaves are turning yelow. On one of the...
  9. M

    how to use hermie?

    and what do you mean by sanitizing it? except cutting pollens off?
  10. M

    how to use hermie?

    yep, it show sex and it is still on 24/7 lights.I've been told it does happen sometimes. the thing is, I've just got 2 plants and I dont want to loose one of them, if there is slight chance to get something out of it. And also I dont want to switch to 12/12 yet because the other plant is not...
  11. M

    !!!U,k Growers Give Us A Shout!!!

    not an englishman but livin in uk for past 7 years. and started growin short time ago. So hello from london.. NW
  12. M

    how to use hermie?

    hi there, I would like to ask if there is any use for hermie, without fear of making my other plants "pregnant". Top 5 shoots of that hermie plant are female buds, but all other branches are male balls. I havent started vegg. stage yet. If I'll do so, is that stuff gonna be any good? and do I...
  13. M

    please help. Nute burn or def. two plants affected, each treated different way+pics

    thanks for reply. But, what i cant get my head around is why flushed one is not improving and the other one is getting better. And any idea about that hermie?
  14. M

    please help. Nute burn or def. two plants affected, each treated different way+pics

    hi there, I've been asking for help abbout five days ago. I have 2 plants and both of them don't look very good. Its my first grow and I appreciate any help. I can't get hold of PH meter at the moment, just shitty soil one, but I should have a proper one delivered pretty soon. My water i use is...
  15. M

    is it possible? hermaphrodite at 24/7 light?

    hi, I wonder if anyone has an experience with plants showing sex on full time lighting. 1 of my plants grew male buds and abbout week later female hairs on top. It's just a little bit of both, but they are quite recognizable. Is it safe to carry on with 24/7. I also have some much younger plants...
  16. M

    is it Mg defficit ?

    cheers for that. keep a fingers crossed for me. Ciao!
  17. M

    is it Mg defficit ?

    thanks az. I'll try as you said. You seem to be quite confidnt about that. I watered about 3 hours ago with magnesium and trace mix so I probably just made it worse. I'll get on it satraight away. Many thanks again mate! I owe you a beer
  18. M

    is it Mg defficit ?

    and shall I water it every day after flush or shall I wait till it dry as when I water normally?