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  1. Hydrokronics

    Dwc Grow Club

    is she loud. The GH Dual diaphram is louder then i thought it would be and it doesnt perform like i thought it would. I would also like jacuzzi action! ;)
  2. Hydrokronics

    Dwc Grow Club

    Thank you soo much for all your help bro! i have just a couple of questions. with the cup of water method, do you PH the water? and if so what PH do you leave it at and does it stay there? Also when you change the water everyday, do you dump it out and quickly replace it or do you have another...
  3. Hydrokronics

    Dwc Grow Club

    Hey onthedl, I dont mean to hijack but..................;) I was hoping you could help me with my clone issue. I have be reading alot of your posts and threads like this one and "DWC for beginners" and was hoping you could help. I am using rockwool to clone and am having no success. :( I am...
  4. Hydrokronics

    Yellow Clones

  5. Hydrokronics

    Yellow Clones

    do the DIY ez-cloners need a humidity dome? i have heard of all this great sucess with them but i havnt heard anything about using a dome on them ;) I am also in the same exact situation :( i am trying to use rw to clone and all my bab girls are yellowing and the stems are turning dark...
  6. Hydrokronics

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    Things are looking nice round here! :eyesmoke:
  7. Hydrokronics

    Update on PPP and Hindu Kush four weeks flowering with pics.

    I would def go with fox farm nutrients for soil. You will see a HUGE difference from MG to a good Nutrient. God get some Big Bloom and tiger bloom. You will be happy;) Just my .02.........but i started with MG and quickly found that it is not very good for girls. i would get somthing with...
  8. Hydrokronics

    "Tha Big Dirty" (NYC Diesel - 74 plants / 2 rooms)

    damn. I didnt hear about a 750w. When did that come out and who is making the ballasts. I would like to look into that. BTW not to be noisey but.........;) Are you running on 120v 15amp circuit's with thoses or are you using 220's?
  9. Hydrokronics

    Clusters of Gnat larva in Res?!? PLZ HELP

    True That! The Sm90 doesnt seem to be working :( I appriciate all the help but i cant wash out my res. It is acctually a stand alone DWC bucket. There is a netpot in the lid and the roots are hanging. They are doing fine and look healthy besides the little white clusters of bugs in the...
  10. Hydrokronics

    Bubbleponics NooB!

    and i would get a ph pen because the water color test is not very accurate. not to mention what would you do if you were colorblind?? ;) :eyesmoke:
  11. Hydrokronics

    Bubbleponics NooB!

    you should check you res PH atleast twice a day. it sounds like overkill but the more effort you put in, she puts out ;) the air stone raises the PH for the first 4 or 5 days of a new res. just my .02 keep it up youll get it
  12. Hydrokronics

    23w CFL + Miracle-Gro Moisture Control + 100% sativa + 12/12 from clone

    Thanks bro. It was an apology. I really didnt mean to say thoses things in a mean spirt, but after reading them i now see there was no other way of taking it. But ANYWAY, enough of my bitching. Your grow looks good, keep it up Sorry all for the constant posts that are nothing but drama. I...
  13. Hydrokronics

    "Tha Big Dirty" (NYC Diesel - 74 plants / 2 rooms)

    Fucking beautiful Scott!! I knew those Growzillas would do you well! ;) You should try adding a MH to one of the growzilla's for you next grow so that you can see how the different spectrum affects trichome production in flowering. Are you using digital ballast that you can just switch? But...
  14. Hydrokronics

    Clusters of Gnat larva in Res?!? PLZ HELP

    gnat ofnd? do you mean Gnat Off? and was it somthing that you add to your res?
  15. Hydrokronics

    Random Dank Seeds 400 W HPS

    Shit looks great btw Wildfire ;) Sorry we got off to a bad start. you obviously have way more skill then i imagined and my opinion is completly changed :) Im sure this is in the post but are you using soil or hydro. and if our using soil. what type? and if your sing hydro, what medium? Also...
  16. Hydrokronics

    Random Dank Seeds 400 W HPS

    You all need to hit up some Suboxone ;)
  17. Hydrokronics

    Products that kill Beneficial Bacteria??

    I have heard that you cant use benificial bac with SM-90. I was hoping someone out there has dused them or knows if it is ok? Also if it is not ok tou use together then how about using product like GoGnat for pest preoblem. Would that work with SubCulture?? Thanks for everyones help :eyesmoke:
  18. Hydrokronics

    Clusters of Gnat larva in Res?!? PLZ HELP

    I went with the SM-90 and it seems to be working like a charm. I had to stop using subculture though because i have heard you cant se the two together :(
  19. Hydrokronics

    23w CFL + Miracle-Gro Moisture Control + 100% sativa + 12/12 from clone

    Wow, im surprised you got this bent out of shape. :cry::cry::cry: i couldnt check out your grow cause the link was dead. but to be honest im glad I got under your skin because now you put yourself out there more and seem like a better guy then the "is this 12/12" if you know what i mean. Im...
  20. Hydrokronics

    Pura Vida!

    Landragon is correct on all things. feed water water. and yes you should use both for veg and for flower, just in diferent stregths for different growth periods. I also have encounterd small stem growth ;) It is working well for me even though my PH stays at about 7.5 constantly :shock: It...