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  1. Hydrokronics

    Flowering With HPS+MH??

    Yo, Ill be short~ Im hoping that there is someone out there who can answer this.If I were to use two bulbs for flowering, should i use one HPS and one MH? or should i go for both HPS. Assuming that quality is more important then quantity. ;) Im sure there are many out there who have used...
  2. Hydrokronics

    For vegging~how many K is the best ?

    6500k is strong in blue spectrum as well as 5000k. Im pretty sure hps operates at 2100K but dont quote me ;) Both are good and an HPS will def take you throgh an entire grow nicely!
  3. Hydrokronics

    Trainwreck - I think there's something wrong

    true that. The dead leaves have got to go. they decompose and can create harmful bacteria ;)
  4. Hydrokronics

    Help, Plant Uprooted

    Im still trying to figure out how a seedling just jumped right up out of the soil? ;) :)
  5. Hydrokronics

    Bubbleponics NooB!

    is it a dwc? and does it have any type of water delivery system?
  6. Hydrokronics

    Is This Light Burn? Or Somthing Else?

    Almost everyday i wish AL were still here. You are completly right iloveit! As far as the esalts Mawi, You are prob right. I have added esalts in my last change but the wierd thing is that i decreased the dose in this batch. I used only one tsp for a waterfarm res. which is about 2.5 gallons...
  7. Hydrokronics

    Is This Light Burn? Or Somthing Else?

    def not bugs. infact from the back side of the leaves that are affeted, it looks like nothing is wrong. It looks like the problem is coming from the top of the leaves. if that makes sense (which is why i guessed burn) I am using a mild GH Recirculating Expert Program, so it shouldnt be any...
  8. Hydrokronics

    Is This Light Burn? Or Somthing Else?

    Yo, I am having only one issue. Everything is going perfectly. Temps, nutes, schedule, enviorment. I just noticed this small discoloration on some of the fan leaves. I am hoping someone has seen this before and knows what it is. I have alot more light then i need in the space i am using and i...
  9. Hydrokronics

    Side-by-Side Stealth Closet Grow - PPP & SW Fem Nirvana

    If you going to do the DIY Yeast method you should check this out~~ Its a nice way to keep things clean produce way more co2 then one two-liter
  10. Hydrokronics

    Bubbleponics NooB!

    I looks like your overwatering to me :( That was my first mistake with rockwool ;) And by the look of the rockwool in your pic i would say you are def over saturating the rockwool. If you get them too wet they choke what little roots you have and you get droopy leaves. I would try to water a...
  11. Hydrokronics

    "Tha Big Dirty" (NYC Diesel - 74 plants / 2 rooms)

    Yea. Ive used the florakleen in soil and used about a cap full per gallon. which is also very vague, but it is about 5 ml per gallon. so i would say that you did the right thing. It is better to go alittle light with that stuff i have found. It does the job and will get rid of any salt build up...
  12. Hydrokronics

    Side-by-Side Stealth Closet Grow - PPP & SW Fem Nirvana

    lookin good bigbud!. I am two weeks into flowering on my SW. Cant wait to se how she does. have you thoght about co2?
  13. Hydrokronics

    Bubbleponics NooB!

    true that! Im also gonna atempt to clone when the time is right. I want to be able to keep the genetics that i like arond and get rid of the ones that i dont like. If you keep things going that way you should never have to buy beans again unless you want new genes. The hardest part of...
  14. Hydrokronics

    "Tha Big Dirty" (NYC Diesel - 74 plants / 2 rooms)

    Looks nice bro. Things look awsome in the first pic esp. Other then the leaves curling are you having any issues? How often are you watering at this point? Keep it up man :) :)
  15. Hydrokronics

    Thread adjustment. DIY CO2 Bucket System

    I was hoping admin could adjust a thread that i created.It is called "DIY CO2 BUCKET SYSTEM". it is a DIY thread and while i was posting the Step by Step instructions i recieved a post. I would like to just have the third post of mine moved to the third spot so that when users read and begin to...
  16. Hydrokronics

    How Full Is The Tank?

    Yo I am hoping somone can help me try and determine an easy way to figure out how much co2 is left in my tank. I have a hydrofarm regulator .2-2 and there is only one pressure gauge and it is for the flow. They is no way to know how much is left. it just runs out. I have used the Weighing it...
  17. Hydrokronics

    My first grow! Updated daily. 400 watt Ebb and Flow - White Berry

    Go Bigger. Your gonna want more then one of those home depot duct fan. They are good but weak :( They dont build up enough pressure. You can find a 400 cfm inline fan from for pretty cheap. you can then put a speed controler on it for another $25 and be able to turn it down...
  18. Hydrokronics

    23w CFL + Miracle-Gro Moisture Control + 100% sativa + 12/12 from clone

    Faux is doing this with specific schedule and methods. All of the tips on what to do and what to add are wasted. Just sit back, watch, listen, learn. I dont think the suggestions are nessesary ;);) (incase you were wondering why there were no answers) Keep it up faux. cant wait to see how...
  19. Hydrokronics

    23w CFL + Miracle-Gro Moisture Control + 100% sativa + 12/12 from clone

    that would defeat the whole purpose ;)