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  1. meowmix

    Advanced Nutrients - adding more to the rez

    I adjust PH just like every other shlub. I always know im gonna use Down, so Ill mix everything realy well, and on fresh nute solution, ill just squirt a full eyedropper in there as default. I love AN - because they are proven. I used them on a 4x4 box, soil, 1000w/cooled grow after vegging...
  2. meowmix

    Advanced Nutrients - adding more to the rez

    look at me, im the richest guy on this forum. seems im the only one that can afford Advanced Nutrients. Yeap, this extra 20 i spend is luxury, noone else has what I have. Micro, Grow and Bloom. Advanced Nutes, rarest hydroponics nutrients ever. or.... bump
  3. meowmix

    Advanced Nutrients - adding more to the rez

    I know you have to add micro first, so what Ive been doing is when the bitches gobble up all that water/nutes, Ill add like 8 gallons of tap to the rez, stir it good, then 2 potent gallons of advanced nutrients. It made sense to me that this is fine. But is it? if not, wow, after just...
  4. meowmix

    my flowering plants are to tall

    tie them down
  5. meowmix

    Water leaks

    its a crapshoot. All my rubbermaids leak, either right away or eventually. I use weatherstrip and clips, but I think id go the igloo route next time.
  6. meowmix

    my stinkbud video

    dag. ill probably be getting that cooler. I plan to solidify my setup after the first couple of harvests. Prolly going to strong box the flower unit, so i can go a little shorter and use coolers for veg/clone. Are you replacing sprayers alot? I did not plan on replacing sprayers, some people...
  7. meowmix

    my stinkbud video

    man I wonder if anyone has made the cooler veg unit, since that leaks as well. could be badass. If I did one, id have to do the other. LOL@me for not fully reading. POST PIX when you get your Veg unit going! Hey whats with the plants behind your clones? Looks like you left the pumps off or...
  8. meowmix

    my stinkbud video

    Yar I checked it, im likely going to go this route. 1 question -- I seethe gap in the lid, it appears there is hollow area there. Any problems because of this? Is that a hollow area?
  9. meowmix

    my stinkbud video

    hahahah 700 bucks just came at me out of no where, broke as fuck no more, at least until I order some more shit, and get a footlong at subway lol
  10. meowmix

    Thinking about going from soil to hydro. Would like some ideas please

    i agree with the above poster. I love this setup, but going from dirt myself, ive gotten lazy and sometimes go 2 days without even checking PPM/PH. check out the harvest a pound every 3 weeks setup, it can be modded any way, also I just posted my pics and video of the exact setup in the thread...
  11. meowmix

    my stinkbud video

    i should ad lol - using those clips, I was able to 1-man that tent all by myself. 8x8 ft lol
  12. meowmix

    my stinkbud video

    Nice timer. Mine is made by the same people, but its a solid 4 min off, 1 min on deal. Wish I had an adjustable one, they really dont need to get sprayed this often, but whatevs. Yar, I saw a video that basically said other plants will yield alot better with true aero vs NFT. Yeah, The drips...
  13. meowmix

    my stinkbud video

    ewps. Also stink uses a MH for veg, but since he had in his post that he would love to go with t5s, I did it =) Do you like the reflection inside the tent? Im tempted to put up some mylar i have left over from other grow. Yar, I HOPE my 200CFM is enough, I think heat is gonna be my main issue...
  14. meowmix

    my stinkbud video

    I've been focused on Stinkbud's "grow a pound every 3 weeks" thread for over a year now, reading it, fantasizing about it, reading it again, buying a piece of equipment here and there. Now Im well on my way and it is worth it. Im eating oatmeal today. For breakfast and dinner. This is what...
  15. meowmix

    my stinkbud video

    Heres a bunch of pics. Using ecoplus 396 gph pumps, 1000w HPS for flower, 8 bulb sunleaves 430w t5s for veg and clone 24/7. Thats a GrowLab240 tent, 7'11"x7'11x6'7" tall. 200 cfm blower for my vent - IDK if thats going to be enough once it is running through 2 lights. I use advanced nutes 3...
  16. meowmix

    my stinkbud video in an apartment =) Those flowering plants are only 7 days in, I vegged them way too long, going to tie them down tonight
  17. meowmix

    H2O2 - Will it help clean my plants?

    wow. im surprised how much that contradicts what ive heard several times lol to folier with h202. I used it to control powdery mildew a while back and everything seemed to go fine. and yar im using it in hydro, works great in my cloner rez.
  18. meowmix

    H2O2 - Will it help clean my plants?

    I heard h2o2 works because it has an unstable molecule that will run off and destroy stuff like powdery mildew etc. I just underwent a bout with spider mites which ended with an easy fix (Hot Shot No pest strips FTW) but I sprayed my ladies with a good amount of pesticide. Will h202 help...
  19. meowmix

    Arrested for growing in FL. What can I expect?

    knock that shit off or the cops will come one day. what you just described, screaming matches and punching walls is an extremely common reason for cops to show up, and in some states a domestic disturbance will give the clops special powers to enter without a warrant and shit.
  20. meowmix

    200CFM Blower, 2000w

    Can anyone tell me how much louder the stronger blowers are? i feel liek im at my threashold for noise