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  1. meowmix

    Progressive Republicans

    From what I see, the Tea Party movement seems to be about Glenn Beck and Fox news talking points. Because of this, I think they do have a chance of "taking the country back" for the republicans, which are just as corrupt and useless as the democrats. I don't mean to be a dick, but I have lost...
  2. meowmix

    Progressive Republicans

    ok. I read it and completely agree. It was definitely worth the read. Im going to start saving writings like this, so in 10 years I can accurately explain to people what America used to be like. One day I might have kids, in some other country, and Id like to tell them about the country that...
  3. meowmix

    Progressive Republicans

    lol dude, progressive is just a name. It does not mean they mean progress. If that were the case, id join the progressives. Tug of war = no progress
  4. meowmix

    bastard naighbours

    wtf? your neighbor is moving bricks on your property to look in the attik? what tipped them off? sounds like your grow is some kind of fucked up lol No smell, no light leaks bud.
  5. meowmix

    bastard naighbours

    nft? im a lil n00b, but if that means you got roots dangling, like stinkbuds aero/nft, yes , you can put it in dirt and it will be fine.
  6. meowmix

    bastard naighbours

    your plants will be fine, move em
  7. meowmix

    Progressive Republicans

    I dont wanna read all this shit. But if we officially stop using the constitution, as we have unofficially, we should officially change our name. Here are my suggestions: Uhmerica Emerica Merica Amertallica amend not ignore
  8. meowmix

    Illustrate your knowledge!

    I respect Sarah Palin because some day I would like to see her naked. Shes more than just a figurehead, she is a piece of republican meat and the worlds most known MILF. Palin and McCain are jokes all by themselves, together its amazing anyone still takes them seriously. Its like they were...
  9. meowmix

    Humboldt Co. video on the November Ballot

    Not just that economy, it would have an effect on the national economy I think. Why would anyone send money to mexico when you could grow and buy it legally in Cali? Something tells me that no matter what, it will always be a bust to grow.
  10. meowmix

    Medical Grower needs legal advice

    I agree, if the guy has a brain at all though, and is a total dick, he can still cause problems for you. Im sure there is some DEA(federal) hotline people can call and rat you out on.
  11. meowmix

    Pelosi moves to protect corruption in congress.

    Babies fighting. Its not violent, thats just what babies do to other babies. Trying to make yourself and your criminal friends above the law should piss everyone off; left, right, and especially sane people.
  12. meowmix

    $1,400 an ounce

    People pay. I once spent about 5000 dollars finding out that Dom Perignon is the best champagne available for 100-500 dollar price range. Yes I was stupid and I think just turned 21. It was vintage 1996, of course they arent all the same, but time and time again, Dom proved superior to all...
  13. meowmix

    $1,400 an ounce

    im guessing the older folks might buy this stuff. Im always surprised to see the diversity of people in the dispensary. Yeah I think the price is retarded, but im glad to see new products like this. With time, price will fall, im hoping these types of nugs become more common =)
  14. meowmix

    $1,400 an ounce Sounds delectable!
  15. meowmix

    Medical Grower needs legal advice

    Was this a management company or an individual landlord? Also if this was in the Springs, can you PM me the guys name, or at least the guys first name/and/or a description so I can avoid this. Renting a house in the springs later this yr.
  16. meowmix

    Help getting clean!~!

    I used to pass drug tests regularly. Lots of working out and drinking water will clean you out like said above. When you piss, give them the middle of your piss, not the beginning or end. Drink whatever until you can piss in the toilet, and it appears clear diluted in the toilet water, but it...
  17. meowmix

    Something all the RIU righties need to keep in mind about the individual mandate..

    Yeah. Bill Clinton did that in the form of fair housing. I am surprised, but people are blaming Obama for the financial problems, I can only assume this is because FOX news said something to the effect. Its nice to see yet another thread where countless people expose themselves as the...
  18. meowmix

    Should little boys be allowed to play with toy guns???

    In my area, all you have to do is look at population statistics and then read the local police blotter. Pretty sure its a poverty thing, but your odds are best when you profile based on what is actually happening.
  19. meowmix

    Morons with signs

    l0ol. This is hilarious but one sided. Im sure we all saw the "why are you going to vote for obama" videos. I'm convinced, Genocide is the only solution.
  20. meowmix

    Should little boys be allowed to play with toy guns???

    Sounds like something China would do.