Search results

  1. meowmix

    Christian militia nutjobs arrested for plan to kill cops

    Killing police is pure insanity. The fact that this was attempted to be molded to fit your political agenda is typical.
  2. meowmix

    I got spider mites, using Take Down and Neem Oil

    I got spider mites! FUCK I got some pesticide recommended by the store called Take Down, this apparently will kill them, and they said the neem oil will keep them from coming back. Does anyone have experience with this combination? Should I apply take down, then neem immediately as it is...
  3. meowmix

    Selling to Clubs

    I think there is room for all kinds of biz in the green rush. Right now is the time, alot of these dispensaries have alot of excess cash floating around.
  4. meowmix

    Ron Paul on the Income Tax

    Let evolution happen
  5. meowmix

    Would you still grow if....

    id feel burned, knowing those are the types of employees that have second jobs as narcs
  6. meowmix

    HELP PLEASE~ D&A assessment

    hes a minor. lol
  7. meowmix

    Legalities of Patient/Caregiver Match Up Site

    If you pissed off the wrong person, even by just existing, yes, im sure they could find something to fuck you on. If there is nothing, and they are really disliking you, they will analyze your tax returns. lol. It just depends. Best to talk to a lawyer about this shit, but im pretty certain that...
  8. meowmix

    Mexico 'Feels Offended' By Medical Marijuana In U.S.

    in my experience, people in California don't smoke mexican weed. Colorado is all about mexican brick, probably alot of other states too. In cali I couldnt even find this shit, everything was dank.
  9. meowmix

    Should I Eat Something Fatty With Hash Pill?

    Should I eat something fatty with my hash pills to make them work better, or is it gonna work the same no matter what?
  10. meowmix

    Neighbors complaining of bud stank? Stealth drying buds for top quality

    If you have a blower/carbon filter setup like I do, you dont need intake fans, just use a passive intake, holes. Im not a pro, i just use generally accepted methods, last time I got too dry cause I did the stem snap method to tell when they were dry, this time ill just wait till I like em...
  11. meowmix

    Measure to legalize marijuana will be on California's November ballot

    the just wreaks of impossibility. Of course I cant tell the future. I just cannot imagine the impact this would have on the entire country. California would become(even more so) the countries manufacturing center for legal and illegal marijuana. You know that once things get so lax that everyone...
  12. meowmix

    Conservatives, do you agree w/ these tactics?

    You're right, and it goes both ways. Did you bring Reagan in this because he is a republican? Is this some kind of Obama's Democrat unemployment rate vs Reagans Republican unemployment rate? Keep playing that D&R back and forth game. It will never end, pure insanity. This insanity is so typical.
  13. meowmix

    How many of you are ex-diehard Obama lovers

    people have been trying to get the word out forever, shitloads of them have given up on the retarded states of america. including me. Too late buddies. Get to asia if you can. the sky is fallling o noes
  14. meowmix

    Conservatives, do you agree w/ these tactics?

    I don't think anyone should be making any threats of violence, however, they should be committing the violence if they are going to threaten it, but retain the element of surprise maximizing their chances of success. They should be breaking skulls instead of windows, if they are gonna break...
  15. meowmix

    Cuban leader applauds US health-care reform bill

    Man its nice to know not everyone in the rest of the world thinks we're total tards. Fidel Castro, communist leader of Cuba, we appreciate your support =D By PAUL HAVEN (AP) – 5 hours ago HAVANA — It perhaps was not the endorsement President Barack Obama and the Democrats in...
  16. meowmix

    Section 8

    Involuntary Servitude (Amendment 13 US Constitution)
  17. meowmix

    How do you make some one PROVE they are not a LEO

    lol I wasNT just thinking about you, anyone. Im looking specifically for hash plant clones myself =)
  18. meowmix

    Peaceful protests...are they effective?

    Think about this. Violent Revolution. Every gun toting mofo and constitution loving (the ones that actually read and understand the constitution) man takes up the best weapons mass amts of ammo they can afford, go to the capital, to execute all of the known tyrants (plenty to be found) and off...
  19. meowmix

    Peaceful protests...are they effective?

    I agree, but it isnt going to happen. Everyone knows the mass media is full of shit and that 90% of the politicians are employees of the huge banks, corrupt as fuck. Yet these fucking retards choose to believe them and walk around arguing FOX vs CNN all day long. It's like mcdonalds, everyone...
  20. meowmix

    Legalities of Patient/Caregiver Match Up Site

    DEA monitors craigslist. I would not be surprised if your site would be popular and awesome, right now id love to find someone to swap my cuttings for hash plant/100% indica cuttings. You can put disclaimers up that LEO cannot sign up but im sure that shit doesnt work. LEO would love your...