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  1. meowmix

    Taking cuttings

    After my last batch of cuttings I laugh at everything that has ever been suggested, and everything I tried and failed with. Screw humidity domes, heat pads, and mediums. lol. The easiest way to take cuttings is to make a stinkbud cloner IMO. Or some kind of aero/nft setup. You cut 2 nodes...
  2. meowmix

    Fluorescent tubes pointless?

    My exp with T5s. I have an 8 tube T5 setup and I have yet to have surviving seedling using them. IDK if the light is too close or too far away. I normally do seedlings in soil cause thats what I know, and I had ...little issue with MH. The one bit of advice to trump all others is make sure...
  3. meowmix

    Money Laundering

    While I know driving in to mexico is like....driving down the st, cash is exactly what LEOs are looking for in southward travel.
  4. meowmix

    Weird Investments.

    While I wouldnt consider any of that shit an INVESTMENT lol people do make money at it. My interests are in sub penny stocks. Ive gone through hundreds though and have only found one that has a real company. It even makes money and trades at 0.0001-0.0004. I had a friend double his money on it...
  5. meowmix

    Pot Activist Shoots Robber -: ]

    i keep seeing this shit "It just goes to show, weed attracts crime" or variations thereof. It pisses me off to no end. Criminals target other "criminals" (yeah the feds make you a criminal) cause they have no one to call. Even if it is legal with the state, unless you got lawyer bucks, its...
  6. meowmix

    too many plants=bad results???

    It could have been much colder water that caused what I had happen, but people told me that this is common upon rez change in hydro setups. Prolly cause temp diffs i bet. ie, incorrect rez change. shoulda made sure it was room tmp. this setup has seemed so easy for me i overestimated the...
  7. meowmix

    too many plants=bad results???

    if you just changed the rez, they can droop like that, i just learned that today. Dont take them off the sprayers. I put 14 in, all rooted. I was surpised that they did not droop at all when i first put them in in less than 15% humidity and no dome. Then I moved them to the veg unit after and...
  8. meowmix

    too many plants=bad results???

    if you leave the sprayers off for too long in that setup youll just kill them "dont water them for a day" will kill them. If they are not sitting in water, i dont see what the issue is, but im pretty sure you cannot over water with the stinkbud setup. Some people leave the sprayers on all the time.
  9. meowmix

    THE BUSTED!!! thread

    Isnt it a lil easier to read text when its chuncked up a bit? Screw the 4 or 5 sentence rule (school kept changing this on us), just add a couple spaces every once in awhile =)
  10. meowmix

    Watching plants die as I type this

    They did already for the most part. =) yays It was hard to fall asleep knowing they looked like that though. Thank RIU lol
  11. meowmix

    Watching plants die as I type this

    so evn though they look like shit. im gonna go ahead and turn on 4 bulbs, so full intensity 8 bulbs running and fan on low. gonna leave the light up where i put it til they stand up right
  12. meowmix

    Watching plants die as I type this

    thank fuck i nearly took up religion I put hot in to mix with the cold. yar incoming rep
  13. meowmix

    Watching plants die as I type this

    the only pic i can give you, is remember when you grew in dirt? and you came home and your plants looked dead cause you didnt water them? drooped straight down? otherwise green like before.. That is what they all loook like. hoping its just temp transplant shock. fixed temps.
  14. meowmix

    Watching plants die as I type this

    impossible. Will moving plants from room temp water to cold water shock em and make them appear as if they have not been watered (roots get sprayed every 5 min)? How long does it take until they've appeared to recover once the problem is solved?
  15. meowmix

    Watching plants die as I type this

    this is totally fucked, more hot water, turned on the heater. cut light intensity in half(8 t5s), rose them up a lil, cut fans
  16. meowmix

    Watching plants die as I type this

    added half gallon of hot water and turned the pumps on to warm this fucker up
  17. meowmix

    Watching plants die as I type this

    I JUST moved very mature plants from the stinkbud cloner (they were in there looking fine for 6 weeks) into the Stinkbud veg unit. THEY ARE ALL DROOPING HARD, Worse by the minute. The only thing I can think is a) I broke some roots, b) they are going from clonex solution to Advanced...
  18. meowmix

    How many of you are ex-diehard Obama lovers

    Don't blame the "free market". A free market probably would have prevented what happened. Lets not forget part of the big problem was the banks being forced into providing subprime loans by law(thank you bill clinton). Whats free about that?
  19. meowmix


    You are opening yourself to an opportunity to get busted for doing something illegal while you're growing. Do it all legit. Control your smell, dont steal power, dont go nuts, take care of the lawn, look normal, dont talk. Just tonight I was out, had a couple beers. A guy revealed an apparent...
  20. meowmix

    How many of you are ex-diehard Obama lovers

    Obama wasn't a constitutional law professor. He said he was though.