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  1. super2200

    THC Bomb In Trouble

    Ok I see, and yes it does contain some but I dont get why you would buy it and then not use it. If his tricks are working for you then fine but the nutes come with directions and going outside the instructions is experimenting as I guess its not specifically for weed but if you ask me its best...
  2. super2200

    THC Bomb In Trouble

    Dude for one if your using GH why arent you including the Gro? I dont understand your nute mix. You appear to be using a 3 part mix but only have 2 parts and the mix is off if this is the Flora line by GH Floragro, Floramicro and Florabloom? I would be doing equal amounts of all 3 at this...
  3. super2200

    remove jiffy pellet netting?

    Agreed you have to be careful with the MG. Look into Pro Mix for clean ph buffered fert free mix. MG can burn plants that have not had any nutes at all or young ones. Be careful with it, may not be the best to start with.
  4. super2200

    White Dwarf autoflower Picture journal

    How is the smoke? I just harvested some Lowryder 2 but the smoke isnt all that. I was looking at the Red and the White's from Buhdda and havnt seen smoke reports.
  5. super2200

    First timer, how do these look so far?

    For Indica they look nice and stout, great job your right on track. I have been wanting to grow the aurora to get a pure indica, should be nice and sticky at the end. I would wait until you get another 12 inches before flowering. I would wait another week and take some clones.
  6. super2200

    Using Urine As a Fertilizer

    of course it will have nitrogen its urea but only cheap ass nutes have nitrogen dirived from urea. Please remind me to never smoke your piss weed. No thanks, the uni bomber shit in his own garden as well. Yes it can be done but why?your already getting free sunlight maybe you could spring for...
  7. super2200

    Payment method used to order seeds HELP?

    as mentioned I am pretty sure the Visa gift cards will work.
  8. super2200

    how to add moisture to my budz

    its right on track, you put the nuggs in the jar dry and when you open the jar yes they are moist again why are you asking to add moisture? its doing what its supposed to do pull moisture from the stem its not going to be bone dry you want that to be gradual. Take them out of jar and let sit out...
  9. super2200

    i joined just to bash

    Who knows what the hell the guy is growing, with a company that boasts to have strains at 53% THC I wouldn't trust anything they claim after that
  10. super2200

    preferred cloning methods, a poll

    I totally agree, trying to do it only one way may be hard due to a lot of factors while trying another method becomes simple. The best thing to remember is no matter what method your going to try there is no plant that is going to root in less than 7 days so your basically just keeping it alive...
  11. super2200

    Seed Bombs ... how to make them for 4/20

    doubtful the old ass seeds will germinate but I like this idea and havnt been doing my part. I am in just gotta find some seeds now I dont get them unless I buy them lately
  12. super2200

    high electric bill got you paranoid ?

    Fuck around and break the meter off like a dumbass and then scramble to hide 50 plants when they come to repair.
  13. super2200

    breathing in the room(not for co2 purposes)

    The only thing thats bad is the artificial lighting. Your sitting in a tanning room basically and eventually will need to smoke the weed to fight the skin cancer the lights give you if your in there that long. Save money in the summer and put a beach chair in there with your Sun tan lotion on...
  14. super2200

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    If you utilize google search instead of RIU search you WILL be given the exact page in the thread as RIU just displays all threads that contain your keywords. Same search in google will show sub searches that are in the same thread and exact pages you need. and asking about if you can top...
  15. super2200

    Help! is this a male

    you should be fine it did not look that the pollen sack released any pollen but it would not have been much longer for sure. Kill the plant if your not planning a seed grow
  16. super2200

    high electric bill got you paranoid ?

    your microwave uses a lot of electric as well as the washer and dryer so a average house with 3 kids has the power consumption roughly of a guy who lives alone and grows in his closet with couple 1000w. I have always heard to just pay the bill your fine and I have also learned to just keep your...
  17. super2200

    Rescue! Need help!

    The plant looks like its been tripping a bit as the leaf sets are not normal looking as if its been revegged from flower state. Give it couple of weeks to start normal growth under that 400 and keep the 18 going to give it a schedule it can adapt to. It does look like weak lighting and no...
  18. super2200

    Rescue! Need help!

    your done there is nothing to tweak, correct lighting now will help you already transplanted now let time do its thing. Dont water until the plant needs it, you will learn how light the pot feels when it needs watering and every 3rd watering or so allow some good runoff through the bottom so the...
  19. super2200

    Help! is this a male

    yes that is a male plant for sure
  20. super2200

    Best way to dry bud for sampling??

    This comes up all the time, the best way is to hang dry for few days and stop running out of weed so you just have to TEST something that isnt fucking ready. Go buy a bag of weed if you have to, if your gonna be a hard head and cut it and rush dry any fucking way to "sample" not sure why people...