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  1. i luv ladies

    If YOu Whant Help...JUST HELP Me!!!Pictures!!!

    try running lites at night. works great for 12-12,, just avoid running it during the hotest part of the day. also try using just exhaust fan to create a slight vacuum.
  2. i luv ladies

    Help my clones Plz//

    thanks, i should be ok then.. just really wanted these to take
  3. i luv ladies

    Earthworms?!? and overwatering

    well i was reading a house plant book and it says worm may undermine the soil and clog drainage holes, and could also cause the roots to dry out.. So it looks like i was wrong.. worm poop good, worm bad.
  4. i luv ladies

    Help my clones Plz//

    but should they be in water until rooting? Or in a medium?
  5. i luv ladies

    Earthworms?!? and overwatering

    thats where my problem lies.. i was giving em a little water, many times a day then skip a day..
  6. i luv ladies

    Help my clones Plz//

    There in cups of water, i spray em 3-4 times a day with water + B-1.
  7. i luv ladies

    Newb at this, need help!

    i can help a little. i got everything at walmart, lowes or home depot.. first things is the best seeds/ clones you can get, Timer, good soil, CFL.. i like the aquarium lites. Dont tell anyone... other then that just read threads
  8. i luv ladies

    Help my clones Plz//

    ok so i took some cutting bout a week ago and nothing yet.. they are in cups inside a humidy tent.. should they be in rookwool or some medium now or after they root? plx help also what timing cycle is good for rooting?
  9. i luv ladies

    Soil air tubes?

    Ya i used an air pump.. it works better on looser/sandy soils better.. fixes overwated plants preety fast.. check out My 1st grow
  10. i luv ladies

    Earthworms?!? and overwatering

    What? has no one else used worms?
  11. i luv ladies

    Why do you smoke green?

    Because i can.! i just wish was legal
  12. i luv ladies

    Lighting times?

    oh ya did you make sure they were all female?
  13. i luv ladies

    Lighting times?

    i found a good one at Wal_mart. its a Intermatic outdoor timer..10Amp and 3 prong (grounded).. cost like $ 10.. Lowe's has a shit load of em but cost more.. I was wondering how old your plant was, cuz isnt 30 days a little short on maturity?
  14. i luv ladies

    My 1st Grow

    Damn i cleaned up my comp and forgot my but ill have more pics tomorrow Keep on keeping on
  15. i luv ladies

    I'm Looking For Some Feedback.

    First of i dont really know much about poetry,, i like your poetry, its flows. its realistic, its not sad at all. keep writing!
  16. i luv ladies

    My 1st Grow

    some one help, when should i start flowering? i wanna keep one for a mother, bud the other. how mature should it be? Also how mature should it be before i take some cuttings off it?
  17. i luv ladies

    Earthworms?!? and overwatering

    So i was looking on here and there are a few ppl having problems with drooping leave, as i am (was). most the time its from over watering, so i put 4 worms in each pot, the poop might help wont hurt, also ive heard they airiate the soil,, But the best part is they come to the top when you...
  18. i luv ladies

    My Salvia Expirience

    I was going to try it but my roomate stopped me.. i guess he fucken hurt himself pretty bad, by falling down, but he got all violent to other ppl then himself.. said he didnt remember shit.. his friend told him.. He took a bong rip with a lot on top.. sounds like too much is no good
  19. i luv ladies

    My 1st Grow

    so here they are, both female, 2/2. hell ya. the small one started showing hairs on her own. the larger one took 2 days 12/12 to show. im fucking stoked.. The Little one is kinda odd, the middle leafs are s-shaped and symetrical.. No smell at all... the big one is starting to smell like a skunk.
  20. i luv ladies

    My $120 Hps Setup

    Thanks, im going to make a similar type reflector for some CFL's.. for the baby's..