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  1. deesbarrett

    Pistol Color Vs. Trichomes!

    Good question...I would like to know myself.
  2. deesbarrett

    400w Mh and Hps light...

    How much area does a 400w Mh cover..or how many plants can I grow under one?Plus I have a 400w Hps light too.
  3. deesbarrett

    Can you start seeds under 12/12?

    Thats exactly what i want to do!
  4. deesbarrett

    What should I do About sandstone 6" under my top soil?

    Raised bed gardens?How deep of soil does a Plant need to grow nice and big?Should I build a planter box and fill in on top of the top soil?
  5. deesbarrett

    Can you start seeds under 12/12?

    I was wondering if it possiable to start your seeds under 12/12 to find out the sex before it grows to big and you waste time growing a male?
  6. deesbarrett

    What should I do About sandstone 6" under my top soil?

    In my back yard I just discovered that under my topsoil is hard ass sand stone.What can I do about growing in sand stone???
  7. deesbarrett

    GF got the heebie geebies, fan leaves GONE (pics)

    Wow your GF is hot!!Nice going!!
  8. deesbarrett

    Hey catgirl wanna be friends?

    Hey catgirl wanna be friends?
  9. deesbarrett

    Welcome to RIU!!!

    Welcome to RIU!!!
  10. deesbarrett

    Organic flowering tea.

    Yeah I too would love to know a good flowering tea.
  11. deesbarrett

    strongest marijuana THC Level wise

    Sour Diesel!!!It gets me lit everytime!!!
  12. deesbarrett

    Dual Spectrum HPS&MH

    I think you should make one wouldnt be hard if you are using the pyrex bake arounds...I seen a thread on here that showed you step by step how to make a cool tube...Good luck.
  13. deesbarrett

    hey bro is me Randy...Welcome to my place..

    hey bro is me Randy...Welcome to my place..
  14. deesbarrett

    Leaves curling

    Ok thanks...that helped + rep
  15. deesbarrett

    Leaves curling I too stoned to understand you or are you not explaining yourself clearly?
  16. deesbarrett

    Leaves curling

    My plant is into its 7th week of flowering...I feed it MG 15-30-15 and two tablespoons of molasses everyweek on sceduale...its in a 3 gallon pot sitting in FF ocean forest soil...and today I noticed alot of the leaves are curling down...What do you guys think is wrong?
  17. deesbarrett

    First Grow Bagseed w/CFLs (pics)

    Wow what a difference!!!My biggest one turned out male...I hope your biggest one is female.
  18. deesbarrett

    Overgrowing Weed???

    So nothing will happen if I let my plant bud longer than it says it should take to finish...except I might get a few seeds...Thats not bad...Thanks for the help.
  19. deesbarrett

    Overgrowing Weed???

    Is it possiable to over grow weed?What happens if you do?
  20. deesbarrett

    17,000 Lumens for $194.95. Good deal?

    I bought a 150w hps light and it puts out 16000 lumens...and I paid 31.50 for it...I would say that is a bad deal...look at have killer lights for great prices.