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  1. JohnBudZ

    Help! Whats Wrong With My Plants?

    you should start addind 1/4 strength about a week or two ago. lol nah anytime now will be fine start with 1/4 strength and work up to 2-3 tbs per gallon. Get FF grow big its about 25 bucks but will last so long and totally worth it, test the water after you add nutes and lime and always...
  2. JohnBudZ

    Help! Whats Wrong With My Plants?

    I agree its a cal mg deficiency not denying that what i was trying to say is adding mg and cal will not help if the ph is not fixed not trying to argue either man just trying to help this kid have a succesful grow so he can enjoy, thats what these forums are for, and as for this kid trolling the...
  3. JohnBudZ

    Help! Whats Wrong With My Plants?

    LOl he was almost right take it easy on him
  4. JohnBudZ

    Help! Whats Wrong With My Plants?

    And dont get antsy and overdude the dolomite lime it will work with time for sure dont add to much or feed it to your plants everytime they eat.
  5. JohnBudZ

    Help! Whats Wrong With My Plants?

    Five weeks old is definately a good time to start feeding them once your ph is under control right now the salts would just build up so no point to feeding them before you fix your PH. As the roots would not be able to absord certain nutes at a low PH.
  6. JohnBudZ

    Help! Whats Wrong With My Plants?

    Your using FFOF from what i read. Yes definately test everything you feed your plants for PH levels. 6.8 is a good PH for FFOF it tends to be lower around 5.6-6.0 you want around 6.3 balance thats what the dolomite lime for FFOF is naturally acidic (slightly). You didnt say anything about nutes...
  7. JohnBudZ

    Help! Whats Wrong With My Plants?

    How so? i think you misread. i recommended a PH tester and a PH buffer because i beleave he has a ph imbalance? wheres the contradiction my friend?
  8. JohnBudZ

    Whats This? Nute Burn? I Don't Think So (Clones)

    Yea man you really didnt do this whole cloning process right best read some more then give it another shot always a learning process now you know more.
  9. JohnBudZ

    Help! Whats Wrong With My Plants?

    No you will get salt build up if you do not fix the ph problem which is what the dolomite lime is realy for it is a PH buffer it will not alot the PH to go to high or to low and it will add just enough cal and mg trust me on this one try to get some liquid dolomite lime and 1tbs per gallon every...
  10. JohnBudZ

    Vegging for 1 Month, Is This a Male Pre-Flower?

    Too early to tell but could be male or hermie keep an eye out but dont pull yet its still really early. cant be sure till 1-3 weeks into 12/12 males will reveal sex alot earlier then females.
  11. JohnBudZ

    Help! Whats Wrong With My Plants?

    Sorry i didnt include a fix, like i said get a tester, but you can also get liquid dolomite lime its fast acting and will add calcium and mag 1 tbs not tsp per gallon every other feeding will do wanders.
  12. JohnBudZ

    Help! Whats Wrong With My Plants?

    Its not a cal mag deficiency, its failure to maintain an eye of the soil ph levels and has cause the roots to lock out certain nutes due to PH imbalance, cant say this enough get a PH tester ASAP petco 5 bucks
  13. JohnBudZ

    Yellow Leaves Brown Spots Leaves

    5 gallons this is your standard Ice melt bucket or something like that or a bucket you would use for car washing would work just steralize no need to go and buy one just make drainage holes and youll be straight, and cheap if not free, just look for a 5 gallon jug! Black is best so no sun light...
  14. JohnBudZ

    Yellow Leaves Brown Spots Leaves

    Thank you i cant say it enough PH PH PH if you think you have a deficiency its most likely low or high PH blocking out nutes, but seriously dude im trying to help you get a PH tester and some dolomite lime as quick as possible or your plants wont make it to flowering stage, not trying to be a...
  15. JohnBudZ

    Help! Seedlings in Tough Shape All of a Sudden!

    Well since your redoing this whole thing, what i would first recommend is not watering so much your soil never looks dry, root rot is probably problem number 1. Secondly you kept them in the cup way to long after the first two sets of adult leaves they should have been re potted, miracle grow is...
  16. JohnBudZ

    40$$ Carbon Air Scrubber Without Any Cutting, Pipe Fitting, or Work! Stoner Friendly

    Definately simple an effective thats what i was going for man glad it helped at least one person. My walmart didn't have the Carbon but some will. Mine as well go to the local pet store as they will for sure have some
  17. JohnBudZ

    Yellow/Burn Tips-Everything Else Good-Day35 Flowering

    Yoour gonna over feed and kill those plants, thats not the problems the salts are just gonna build up, your problem is PH if the PH is not perfect it will not absord all the nutrients and will cause you to think feed it cuz its a deficiency well this isnt always the case check PH first
  18. JohnBudZ

    Yellow Leaves Brown Spots Leaves

    MG organic is not ph adjusted, best test PH runoff, and if you dont know What P and K stand for you better do some reading man. And milk cartons will definately effect your roots
  19. JohnBudZ

    40$$ Carbon Air Scrubber Without Any Cutting, Pipe Fitting, or Work! Stoner Friendly

    No problem man, i thought it was a great idea glad you agree, lets just keep in mind this will not work for more then 6 plants. But theres always the option to make to for 75$ instead of 120 for a decent one.
  20. JohnBudZ

    40$$ Carbon Air Scrubber Without Any Cutting, Pipe Fitting, or Work! Stoner Friendly

    Phone Camera quality... But here it is as requested the inner workings are like this; And it should be effective for up to 2200 square feet filter sais, but id go with up to 6 plants is what i have and it works! might get another one there so cheap and also have helped with dust and allergens in...