Search results

  1. BendBrewer

    Ron Paul says the perry exchange was friendly

    I was posting in a Search thread the other day and used lmgtfy to display the search string. Check it out and the number of results. now compare it to this one: Yeah!
  2. BendBrewer

    Ron Paul says the perry exchange was friendly

    I agree, bring him home. I read that Obama plans to be down to 3000 troops in Iraq by December. I know our local airport has been greeting our National Guard back home from Iraq all week and they aren't going back. The boys are coming home. Now if we can just untangle ourselves from Afghanistan.
  3. BendBrewer

    Ron Paul says the perry exchange was friendly

    Hide him?!?!?!? Again, if a 20+ year Politician and 3 time Presidential Candidate can't get his message out than I call that a failure by the Candidate. You can't stop blaming others for Ron Paul's failure at any time. If people don't know what he is about by now, then that is Ron Paul's problem.
  4. BendBrewer

    Ron Paul says the perry exchange was friendly

    I'm pretty sure if you searched, (not saying you have to) you would find me agreeing with Ron Paul on some issues and even go so far as to point out how Liberal he is on some of the issues. You'll find me stating that he might do well in the General Election but that he will never get there as...
  5. BendBrewer

    Just not enough

    Actually, the voters made it worse in 2010. If we just undid that election, we could go back to making progress like we were right before it. The voters blew it in 2010. You know who they are.
  6. BendBrewer

    Coyotes got my dog! I want revenge

    If you want to train your dog to kill a coyote, just have your dog catch and kill everything that it eats. That's how the coyote trains. Sorry about your loss. I wouldn't risk another pet if I were you.
  7. BendBrewer

    Ron Paul says the perry exchange was friendly

    I'll bet you that he loses yet another Presidential election. He just isn't Presidential and the American people have been pretty clear about that for a couple election cycles now. Sorry if you don't like the facts but you don't get to throw Ron Paul's snakes on me. It is what it is man. Get...
  8. BendBrewer

    Just not enough

    You do realize that China relies on a strong dollar and a weak yuan right? That's why they bought a bunch of our debt on the open market. If the value of their currency goes up, they're fucked.
  9. BendBrewer

    Just not enough

    NOT an Economist....................
  10. BendBrewer

    Ron Paul says the perry exchange was friendly

    Right, he couldn't remember exactly what he said. And some people want him having vital discussions with fellow World Leaders? No thanks. We don't even let Gramps drive the car.
  11. BendBrewer

    Just not enough

    Haters are gonna hate. People like the OP wouldn't vote for Obama even if Obama personally saved them from drowning. Not much need to pay those types much attention. I normally just point and laugh.
  12. BendBrewer

    Ron Paul says the perry exchange was friendly

    He doesn't remember what was said during his first ever 'meeting' with Rick Perry 24 hours later? That's a little concerning.
  13. BendBrewer

    Just not enough

    Did you hear the part where this plan will be paid for without adding to the budget? The costs will be offset with spending cuts. If you people would put your irrational hatred on hold for a day or two you might have a better understanding of what was proposed. Ignorance is the root of all...
  14. BendBrewer

    Perry vs Paul

    Yeah I think Perry shot his foot off last night. My Republican father got to see him for the first time and he used the word Kook to describe him. I think Romney just has to hold on at this point. Not sure how much enthusiasm Mitt can generate in the General though. Hard to see the Tea crowd...
  15. BendBrewer

    Perry vs Paul

    I actually posted it in the Debate Thread. Who the fuck does Perry think he is?
  16. BendBrewer

    Help me design a low-profile RDWC setup!

    I had height issues which lead me to dwc. There was a lot of questions. Where are you in your thought process now? I run 9 bucket systems. (Warning - Don't look too closely or you might see a float valve.)
  17. BendBrewer

    america, pay attention please

    Haters going to hate. I just laugh at them. That includes you.
  18. BendBrewer

    rdwc and temp questions

    Mine are level. Using water pressure more than just gravity to move the water back to the reservoir. More pressure (volume) in the buckets than the reservoir and the water is going to go to the low spot.
  19. BendBrewer

    When Ron Paul is no longer an option.

    If you mean at the time they were elected, then you read wrong.
  20. BendBrewer

    9/7 repub debate thread

    My employer got a tax cut from it. Why do you hate tax cuts for small businesses? You know what I would pass as HCR if I was President? It would be a one page bill and would solve a lot of problems with the system. "If you don't have HC insurance or a stack of cash, don't go to the hospital...