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  1. robro

    Please use proper English

    Theres a lot of folk saying its "lazy" not to spell right if you are able. So, by the same thinking,its got to be "lazy" not to learn the new lingo these youngsters use. I joined facebook four years ago,as i cant get out much nowadays and it keeps me in touch. I have a lot of younger mates,who...
  2. robro

    Please use proper English

    Going to war over spelling,haha.
  3. robro

    Please use proper English

    Is this discrimination against the grammatically challenged? Sounds like it to me.
  4. robro

    Please use proper English

    Your on a MJ growing forum and asking for perfect English. Abraham Lincolns quote seems to fit this post perfectly.
  5. robro

    Help identifying disease

    Always use perlite in soil,youve created a perfect home for pythium,it can only live in anaerobic conditions.
  6. robro

    Help identifying disease

    She seems too young at 3 weeks to have defs,i think you might have a root problem. Just my guess. GL.
  7. robro

    Yellowing, tips slightly curling up and burnt, slow growth??

    Remove the tin foil from inside your box,it causes hot spots,might help. Do you have a ph & ppm meter? Get some cannabis specific nutes,if you cant get them in Asia try Tomorite for tomatoes. You will also need cal/mag when using led lighting. Dont feed until you see improvement in new growth. GL
  8. robro

    Yellowing, tips slightly curling up and burnt, slow growth??

    More light,and better nutes perhaps. Also it sounds like you got a problem with your medium,as you have had problems right from the start without feeding them. Did you rinse out your cocopeat before use,it can contain loads of salt,even if the seller says its been rinsed. GL.
  9. robro

    Need help my babies are dying!

    Some led`s cause plants to use cal/mag quicker,if you havnt been adding cal/mag that could be your problem Aussie. GL mate.
  10. robro

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    As the lamp im talking about is new technology,it would probably be wise to wait a while to see if anybody puts a review of it on the sales page.If they dont work well,people are usually keen to let the seller know they are selling shite. Its an interesting concept though,magnifying light and...
  11. robro

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    Thanks for your reply medi. Ive asked the seller what type of leds are used and if they know of any test grows.
  12. robro

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    Has any body used these yet?They sound too good to be true at 8p a day. I was thinking of using as a supplement light...
  13. robro

    Turning yellow/brown with LED UFO

    Led`s cause plants to use up more cal/mag so will need supplementing regular. Im no expert and found this info in my research as im thinking about going led. GL.
  14. robro


    Looking good bl4ze,nice job.
  15. robro

    11 days old and still tiny, need help! (Pics)

    Bio bizz allmix is a bit hot for seedlings that dont need fed for at least 2 or 3 weeks.
  16. robro

    when do you start feeding in coco?

    I wait til the cotyledon leaves start going yellow,this is a good sign that the plant is running out of food. This usually happens around 2-3 weeks,IME. GL.
  17. robro


    You will get a smaller yield from autos on 12/12 as opposed to 18/6 ,20/4 or 24/0. In general the longer your lights on,the better the yield for autos.
  18. robro

    Hey old many over 50 yrs?

    61 this year.Ive only bin growing for 3 years but its one of the best hobbies ive ever had. This old dog can still learn a few tricks,lol. Home grown painkiller,anti depressant,appetite enhancer and sleeping pill all in one. Im saving my government a fortune in free prescriptions(over 60`s in UK...
  19. robro

    So fungus gnats are a lot of fun...

    Its the ganat larvae you have to kill to break their life cycle,as they can really harm young plants by eating their roots. I found this link helpful Does the job quick and your plants will love...
  20. robro

    Gnats problem

    Mosquito dunks if your growing organic.Or Hydrogen peroxide if inorganic. An inch layer of perlite on top of your medium will stop them getting in and out,it slices their exoskeletons and they dehydrate. Have a look in The Bugs forum,its all in there. Good luck.